• I just installed the newest version (2.8.2) because I thought that the previous version (2.8) was faulty.

    What is happening now, as it was before the upgrade, is that some of the images look like they have been smeared on the page in areas. That is in the admin area mainly. Both in the menus and in the add new post areas.

    Also, when I add a new post, when I save it and then go view it, there is NO formatting that I had done through the editor. It shows up as one big block of words. No paragraphs, no carriage returns, no nothing.

    Also, for some reason some of the plugins are not working at all. Namely the BM Login, Custom Login, Post Teaser to name a few that I have discovered.

    Is this all a problem of the WP platform or maybe of my hosting company? I DID try the admin area on a different computer and it still shows these problems.

    By the way, these things all started just after I installed the WishList Membership Site Script to make a membership site from my blog. Have you heard of problems with this in the past?

    Thank you for your advice in advance.


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  • By the way, these things all started just after I installed the WishList Membership Site Script

    Well that could be a very big clue…

    Deactivate all of your plugins to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).

    I can’t recommend WishList. I have it. It installed easily – but the whole point of WishList is being able to charge members and have them register. For 2 months I struggled with WishList asking for support – and their response was only to send me all the information I had already tried based on the videos and .pdf books they had. Nothing was working and they weren’t stepping in to assist me with real help. So I hired a tech guy – and he saw the problem. Finally WishList provided the code, but after 2 months of struggling and literally begging them to help me, and spending $360 for a tech guy to figure it out, I CANNOT RECOMMEND WISHLIST! Their support was abysmal and basically none existent and the fact that I could not sell my product or get my product up for over 2 months costs me thousands of dollars of revenue. (My package goes for $1,497). Next time I buy something that has better support.

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