I have two sites that were Tweeting with no problem until the recent update. I re-authenticated both, and got no error messages. One site is set to Tweet every 2 hours, the other set every 4 hours.
I tried the 5 steps @doberry suggested and the site set to post every 4 hours now seems to be working.
I also tried the 5 steps for the other site and can’t seem to get it to post. On top of the settings page, there is a green block with “Tweet Old Post is set to tweet on a 2 hours interval, and the next tweet will take place in: 0 days, 00 hours, 00 min and 00 sec”
…and a grey block with:
“Once you click start tweet a tweet will be sent in 15 sec, also here you can see the error message if is any.”
I have clicked Start Tweet several times and nothing changes. Even after clicking Stop Tweet, the same messages stays at the top.
Any idea why this would have stopped working?