Sorry for the confusion – but at least there was a hint in the changelog, maybe not clear enough:
- Using PhotoSwipe 5 with “overlay” caption by default.
About the problems with newer browsers, see here for example:
Quote: “It’s jumpy, sometimes repeats images, and 2 finger zooming has issues.”
That is not the only reason why PhotoSwipe 5 was created but one of the issues which got fixed in PhotoSwipe 5. You can also find reports about problems with PhotoSwipe 4 and newer iOS versions on Github, for example:
About mousewheel options: no, this option will not be supported for PhotoSwipe 5 since the mousewheel is used by the PhotoSwipe core and I will not modify the core for any options but only add things which can be done with a PhotoSwipe plugin.
I modified PhotoSwipe 4 a lot (including that mousewheel stuff which I added to the PhotoSwipe core itself) – but this also means updates to a newer version of PhotoSwipe itself are quite hard or even impossible. Because of that I don’t want to continue like this with PhotoSwipe 5. That version will be used exactly as it is – and if certain features are not possible any longer with this version, then I can not change that, sorry.
Some of the things which might be added in the future:
- Sharing menu (this can be done as plugin in PhotoSwipe 5 like fullscreen view and auto hiding captions).
- Maybe URL navigation and direct linking to images – however so far I did not succeed to get this working reliable and I don’t want to add things which do not work stable.
- More options and/or filters to control EXIF display with the need to use custom CSS.