Hi @adbowp @bozzmedia @paulagaces @brianbws
I’m really sorry for the lack of response here and for the issue you are experiencing.
I have just tested the following:
– WordPress 5.4.1, Twentytwenty, TEC (nothing else), using Default Page Template and Updated Calendar Designs
– Create an event with block editor, with description, organizer, venue
– shows good on the front
– update TEC to 5.1.0
– check event
==> Event still shows up with all the details, no change.
I haven’t been able to reproduce your issue so far. If I missed something there, please let me know.
Here are some questions that might help get to the bottom of this:
– Are you duplicating events with the help of a plugin?
– What theme are you using?
– Do you have a plugin like Classic Editor or Disable Gutenberg active?
As for the post of @paulagaces:
That is normal code. The block editor uses this kind of structuring and markup to know where the blocks are and what blocks are they. There is no issue with that.