• Resolved lpint


    The new version 4 of EventPrime does not work with The Event Calendar Newsletter (ECN). This is critical for my operation. How do I back out the update and go back to 3.x version until ECN comes up with a fix?

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  • Plugin Support EventPrime Support



    Sorry to hear that your integration no longer works after the update. You can download previous versions of EventPrime from here:


    Let me know if you need more help with this.

    Hello! Brian from Event Calendar Newsletter here.

    We were previously using the following as a starting point to fetch the events, but classes like EventM_Event_Controller_List no longer exist. Is there a suggested alternative to fetch events between two dates and get the details (categories, organizers, or even the venue since EventM_Factory_Service::ep_get_venue_by_id also no longer exists)?

               $event_controller = new EventM_Event_Controller_List();
    $query = apply_filters( 'ecn_fetch_events_args-' . $this->get_identifier(), [
    'meta_query' => [
    'relation' => 'AND',
    'key' => 'em_start_date',
    'value' => $start_date,
    'compare' => '>=',
    'type' => 'NUMERIC',
    'key' => 'em_end_date',
    'value' => $end_date,
    'compare' => '<',
    'type' => 'NUMERIC',
    'limit' => -1,
    'post_status' => 'publish',
    ], $start_date, $end_date, $data );
    $events = $event_controller->get_events_post_data( $query );


    Thread Starter lpint


    I have reinstalled version 3.5. While I’m waiting for a fix for this, how do I disable auto-updates?

    Thread Starter lpint


    It reinstalled the update, again, automatically! How do I disable auto-updates? It’s no longer an option on the plugins admin page.

    Plugin Support EventPrime Support


    1. Disabling Auto-Updates:To prevent EventPrime from automatically updating to the latest version, you can disable auto-updates by adding the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:
    add_filter(‘auto_update_plugin’, ‘__return_false’);
    Please note that we will disable auto-updates for EventPrime 4.0.0 version in WordPress, some hosting servers may have settings that override this. It’s advisable to check with your hosting provider if you continue to receive automatic updates despite the above setting.

    2. For fetching events between two dates and retrieving details such as categories, organizers, or venues, you can use the Eventprime_Basic_Functions class instead of using
    class. Here’s how you can adapt your existing code:

    $event_controller = new Eventprime_Basic_Functions();
                $query = apply_filters( 'ecn_fetch_events_args-' . $this->get_identifier(), [
                    'meta_query' => [
                        'relation' => 'AND',
                                'key' => 'em_start_date',
                                'value' => $start_date,
                                'compare' => '>=',
                                'type' => 'NUMERIC',
                                'key' => 'em_end_date',
                                'value' => $end_date,
                                'compare' => '<',
                                'type' => 'NUMERIC',
                    'limit' => -1,
                    'post_status' => 'publish',
                ], $start_date, $end_date, $data );
                $events = $event_controller->get_events_post_data( $query );

    3.Fetching Venue Details:To fetch venue details, you can use the ep_get_venue_by_id method of the Eventprime_Basic_Functions class as follows:

    $ep_basic_functions = new Eventprime_Basic_Functions();
    $venue_details = $ep_basic_functions->ep_get_venue_by_id($venue_id);

    This approach will ensure that your code remains functional with the updated version of EventPrime.

    If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

    Thread Starter lpint


    The Event Calendar Newsletter (ECN) team has fixed the issue and EventPrime V4.x is now supported by ECN. Many thanks to the ECN team for the quick fix.

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