• hello and thanks fopr your plugin, i updated to new version 3.1 and seems not work, error when backup and the error log comes in French instead Spanish or English.
    7but the worries is that i deactivated > erase the plgin > reinstaled the previous version > wp cp panel not work > not backup.not googlr, not postie, not my others plugins… ??
    please, help and thanks
    merry Christmas


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  • Thread Starter asisrodriguez


    and the submenus in the cp panel has disapear too?????

    Thread Starter asisrodriguez


    and the submenus in the cp panel has dissapear too… ??




    Hello Asis,

    would you mind posting an (anonymized) error log to https://pastebin.com/?

    but the worries is that i deactivated > erase the plgin > reinstaled the previous version > wp cp panel not work > not backup.not googlr, not postie, not my others plugins

    Would you explain how you think that would relate to re-installing BackWPup? Do all those features reappear when you deactivate BackWPup now?


    Thread Starter asisrodriguez


    hello Caspar and thanks, after reinstalled the previous version everything goes all right again.
    for thge log: all ok but stay at 1% very long time and i can get this:
    [22-dic-2013 09:15:02] Uploading to Dropbox … [22-dic-2013 09:15:26] ERROR: Abortado por el usuario! [22-dic-2013 09:15:26] Borrado un log antiguo [22-dic-2013 09:15:26] ERROR: Job mit Fehlern beendet in 45 Sekunden. Sie müssen die Fehler für eine korrekte Ausführung beheben. [22-dic-2013 09:15:27] Undefined variable: attachments

    i hope it helps, thanks very very much and nice Christmas

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