• I just upgraded to 2.9 and am trying to crop an image before inserting it into the post but the new image editing is not working. When I pull up the option to edit the image, the button for cropping is by default somehow already selected, so I go ahead and drag my cursor to do the crop, which works, but then when I hit save, nothing happens. The “save” button appears to be inactive.

    The worst of it is that before I was using the plugin “scissors” to crop photos and it worked fine. I tried to reinstall that plugin to use it, but the new wordpress image editor overrides it and it is not showing up.

    My site is image heavy and I need to crop. Please help.


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  • I’ll chime in and add that the crop (and apply only to thumbnail) function works on my install of 2.9.2 in Chrome, but not FF 3.6.2 (in which I have a lot of plugins installed). In my case, it’s probably a conflict with one or more FF plugins.

    My image does not appear on media edit mode.. i disabled the facebook connect plugin, and it worked. But i need the facebook connect plugin. any fixes for this?

    I’m having the same problem – the preview image doesn’t appear on the media edit mode screen. In FF there’s just a space where the image should be, in IE there’s a missing image icon.

    And checking the image properties, the filename for the missing preview image is given as:


    Now then, I run a whole bunch of WP sites, all WP 2.9.2 and all on the same server architecture (or I assume so – as it’s the same setup with the same hosting company anyhow). But this problem only seems to occur on sites which are set up as sub-domains rather than www domains. i.e. https://demo.[main-domain].net as opposed to https://www.[main-domain].net (don’t try to click those links, folks, they’re just examples and I can’t seem to turn the auto-linking off…)

    This is just speculation on my part (and way beyond my ability to look into properly) but does anyone know whether this would affect the functionality of wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php? Specifically the section:

    <img id="image-preview-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" onload="imageEdit.imgLoaded('<?php echo $post_id; ?>')" src="<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>?action=imgedit-preview&_ajax_nonce=<?php echo $nonce; ?>&postid=<?php echo $post_id; ?>&rand=<?php echo rand(1, 99999); ?>" />

    …which seems to be loading the preview image?

    Scratch that last reply. Turns out it’s a different problem entirely.

    I tried moving the blog in question to a new www. domain instead of a sub-domain and that didn’t help.

    Then I tried deactivating plugins one by one – that didn’t fix the problem.

    Then it occurred to me that the pro theme I’m using – Caulk – makes use of a php function called ‘timthumb’ to create thumbnail images for use with each post. Nice functionality, but I’ll bet that’s what was causing the problems. Because as soon as I swapped to a different theme, the preview images were available again.

    I’ll be dropping Caulk’s author a line now to let him know what the problem is and see if there’s a fix.

    But if anyone else is having similar trouble – swap your theme and see if that helps…

    For me, the issue was that in my custom theme I was including additional javascripts (like prototype) with wp_enqueue_script inside functions.php.

    The solution was to only include those scripts on the frontend and not the admin area so that there would be no javascript errors while using the built-in media crop tool (“g.push is not a function”).

    To do this (i.e. add javascripts to the frontend of your theme and not the admin area), hook into the ‘get_header’ action, like so:

    add_action('get_header', 'my_register_javascripts');
    function my_register_javascripts()
      wp_register_script('my-custom-js', get_bloginfo('template_url').'/js/my-custom-js.js', array('prototype'));

    I’ll chime in and add that the crop (and apply only to thumbnail) function works on my install of 2.9.2 in Chrome, but not FF 3.6.2 (in which I have a lot of plugins installed). In my case, it’s probably a conflict with one or more FF plugins.

    Well, not for me it doesn’t.

    It can’t be a conflict of some sort, because I’m not getting any script errors in Firebug, and the cropping tool is clearly working. It’s just that it won’t save.

    Had the greyed out crop button issue on all browsers, when trying to crop an image to use as a thumbnail… as skarck says: the crop is greyed out if you attempt to crop the image to a size less than the thumbnail size setting in your Settings->Media

    Here, the crop button is greyed out unless your crop area is strictly SUPERIOR (not equal) to your thumb size settings.

    Mine is 200×200. At that size, the button is greyed out, at 201×201 it’s enabled.


    It works for me in IE8 but it doesn’t work in Firefox 3.6. I have WP 3 running on IIS 6 with php 5.2.x

    I have tons of issues with cropping. strangely, nothing is consistent.

    — some images, when i go to save after a crop, I get “Unable to save the image.”

    — The cropped thumbnail saves, but creates a new thumbnail file such as “image-e1234243234242-150×1500.jpg.”

    — WP crops the image at strange dimensions (say I created a box at 200×200, when I hit save, the thumbnail image is 300×556)

    I have no idea what’s going on. The files have 777 permission. Any ideas?

    WP 3.0, php 5.2 (mediatemple DV server)

    For me this was a problem within functions.php. I edited the file to make sure that there were no line breaks outside of the <?php ?>enclosures and now it works like a charm.

    One other thing. You cannot crop thumbnails that are smaller than the thumbnail setting in in the Media preferences. Change this, and cropping is suddenly allowed. Simples! The drop down help with the tool explains this.



    I tested image editor in both Elegant Themes and Graph Paper Press Themes. EleganThemes has issues in that it will save the proper thumb but won’t reconize the call and insteand displays the main image truncated, not good. GPP works great no problem at all.

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