I fixed it for myself.
The problem is that if you build the game with compression format gzip.
There is a chance that unity framework will not be defined.
This only counts for unity version 2020.
The error:”Unity framework not defined” in google chrome console will display if u uncomment the last echo in function 2020
//echo “<br>PageTxtStart: “.$game_page.” :endPageTxt<br>”;
To solve this I changed compression format in Unity to disabled as referenced here: https://forum.unity.com/threads/uncaught-referenceerror-unityframework-is-not-defined-at-htmlscriptelement-script-onload-webgl.803967/
I also changed in function 2020
$dataExtension = “.data.gz”;
$frameworkExtension = “.js.gz”;
$asmExtension = “.wasm.gz”;
$dataExtension = “.data”;
$frameworkExtension = “.js”;
$asmExtension = “.wasm”;
The shortcodes stopped working for me but [hs_unity3d_web_gl_gamepage] this one worked.
If I tested a shortcode with [hs_unity3d_web_gl_gamepage] and copied the shortcode that would appear above the game that shortcode worked. I typed the exact shortcode and that did not work I also copied and pasted all the shortcodes from howescape and that also did not work.
I hope this helped no bad intentions meant.
2 final things.
Is the game still embedded when I apply these changes.
The unity progression of the loading bar is out of bounds to the bottom or the loading bar is a little to the top and outside of the progression.
Did my changes do this, is it unity or is it something else?