I have repeatedly tried to upgrade to version 2.7. Like @stevewest15, I’d like to know why WP downloads version 2.05 (which I understand is safe) instead of downloading 2.7 when I upgrade the plugin. Editing the files to change the version number does not make a lot of sense when we don’t understand why the wrong version has been downloaded in the first place.
It has nothing to do with the server cache which I have purged, along with clearing my browser cache. But the problem persists.
I agree with @nathair – I also am no fan of jetpack which you mentioned somewhere, it is bloatware i.m.h.o.
Even though I don’t have the malicious code on my website, I’d like to get rid of this plugin. I intend to replace it with David Law’s Display Widgets Plus. But first, I’d like to get to the bottom of why the WordPress upgrade is failing to download the right version. Why are so many people having this problem?