Thank you for testing it. and also for your nice modified version which I have suggested to several customers.
Yes, I completely intend to add i18n support. I’m also aware of some text alignment issues when using full-width characters like Kanji, which I hope to resolve soon (unfortunately the php “mb_*” functions don’t all work as well as I had hoped).
I didn’t want to introduce too many changes with 2.0 and risk introducing bugs or generating a lot of support requests. Instead it’s intended to add the most frequently needed changes and act as a base for introducing new features more rapidly, like i18n and templating. My main point of concern with the 2.0 release is the change in hook used for the print trigger, since it depends on the order status, but not all sites follow the same order status sequence.
The underlying changes mean that your modification will not be able to merge in to 2.0 directly, sorry about that. But development has shifted to GitHub, and from 2.0 onwards, the repository will be made public. Contributions, and pull requests will be very welcome.
I have absolutely no existing experience of i18n with WordPress, so will do some research before pushing any commits, but essentially I’m expecting to follow your way.
I know that you have also added useful hooks/filters, which I will not put into the Star version immediately. They are very useful, but may conflict with the template/theming support that I’m planning, so I will wait and implement those together. So you may still need to maintain a separate fork for a while?