• ResolvedPlugin Author CPK Web Solutions



    A small change turned into a big change, so now I need some testers before I mark this as ‘stable’:



    = 1.7.0 =
    * Added a debug setting to trace export operations (import to be added in future)
    * Overhaul of export code to improve handling of fields with the same name (ie a custom field called ‘post_title’)
    * All fields will now be exported with prefixes (ie wp_ID, wp_post_title, cf_this_is_custom_field, tx_post_tag)
    * Modified import to allow import of the new prefixed field names

    Please add your feedback to this thread (even if just to say that it worked).

    *** And make sure you backup your site before using this.

    Best wishes



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  • Plugin Author CPK Web Solutions


    Two users tested and contacted me directly. Only one minor issue found, and fixed, so moving this to stable and resolving.

    Best wishes




    After upgrading from 1.6.6 to 1.7.1 doesn`t work for me. It never stops proccess and if I debug I can see a database error that says it doesn’t exist wp_id field.

    Plugin Author CPK Web Solutions


    Hi formulaclick

    Could you contact me via my website so that I can see your import file?

    Best wishes




    Do we have to change the file to adjust for setup? I changed yesterday and on today none of my imports are working

    Plugin Author CPK Web Solutions


    Hi Quahogtrader

    All column headings now have a prefix (ie ‘wp_’, ‘cf_’, ‘tx_’, ‘fi_’ ). Old files without those prefixes won’t import.

    If you’ve put a lot of work into an existing import file, you could export a new CSV and then cut and paste the headings into your import file.

    Otherwise, just start from a fresh export.

    NOTE: very few people tested this so far, so as always make sure you have a backup of your site.

    Best wishes




    In my case, the mentioned error appears when I try to export any post type, not importing.

    Plugin Author CPK Web Solutions


    Ok, thanks for the feedback. If you can, please turn debug on and then contact me via my site to share the debug file.

    Best wishes




    Paul, thanks for response. I have gotten 80% of import to work. main problem now is with plugins: I was using this to import data into plugins for seo. after exporting a new post with all information in it, the plugin data is not exporting with the post so I don’t know how to get that column header out. I tried adding cf in front of the column name and that imports and creates the custom form, but does not sync up with the plugin. Any suggestion on how to export the plugin info? Thanks for any help you can provide!

    Plugin Author CPK Web Solutions


    Hi Quahogtrader

    I think version 1.7.2 will fix this.

    Best wishes


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