• Plugin Contributor Facebook


    We have significantly reworked the Facebook plugin for improved stability, individual settings pages, custom post type support, and custom post status support. Version 1.1 requires WordPress 3.3 or newer, providing some nice features such as contextual help, asynchronous JavaScript loading, and content formatters with multibyte support.


    Settings pages have been moved into individual submenus by feature, replacing the show/hide “enabled” model from plugin version 1.0. Each settings page flows through the WordPress Settings API, which should help plugins interested in building upon the base functionality of the Facebook plugin for WordPress with more detailed options for specific use cases.

    The settings changes require migrating stored options from plugin version 1.0 to the new structure in 1.1. The plugin will attempt to migrate your settings the first time one of your users with manage_options capability (such as an Administrator) accesses your site’s WordPress administrative screens.

    Custom Post Types, Stati

    We realize many WordPress installations are highly customized content management systems taking advantage of some of the extensibility introduced in recent WordPress versions such as custom post types and custom post statuses. The plugin code has reworked to support these site customizations including the ability to scope content display to one or more post types, test edit and publish capabilities for a post type, and recognize the publicness of a post status beyond just “publish.”

    More actions and filters in more places

    Interested in customizing features and output beyond code shipped with the plugin? Check out the customization tab of the readme for custom actions and filters to tweak the Facebook plugin for WordPress based on your own use cases and preferences.


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  • 1.1 is killing my wp-admin pages.. With the plugin activated, all of my wp-admin pages are all white (blank page).. Only way to do anything in wp-admin is to go into my site via FTP and delete the Facebook folder in plugins. I even tried a totally fresh install in case it was something that went wrong with the update.. No joy.. Plugin (and wp-admin) was working fine up to the point that I updated to 1.1. Running to most recent live release of WordPress with Thesis 1.8.4

    Yes… it crushed my site too

    Plugin Contributor Niall Kennedy


    there was an issue with a PHP 5.3+ variable reference in the settings code. just pushed 1.1.1 to address the issue. let us know if this works for you.

    Fixed changing settings.php line 236
    $debug[‘version’] = $facebook_loader::VERSION;
    $debug[‘version’] = $facebook_loader->VERSION;

    as reported on other thread… ??

    1.1.1 fixed the issue.. Thanks for the quick fix Niall

    I upgraded to version 1.1.1 and plugins crash my area of the site works but the comments disappeared from the blog …. I use WordPress 3.4.2 in Portuguese BR

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 71 bytes) in / home / xxxxxxx / public_html / xxxxxxx / wp-includes / pomo / mo.php on line 221

    how can I fix this problem?

    Unable to see mention box in new version.

    Facebook Mention Box are not visible in post area please help.

    In the Edit Page and Edit Post, we can no longer specify which pages and posts will show the Comments Box, Like, or Recommendations Bar.
    Previously this could be selected in the wordpress edit page and edit post area. Now it is gone and instead every page and post has a comment box area including my shopping cart etc.

    Please can you fix this so that we can decide where all these things appear, like before.

    In the portfolio template the comments box goes through the template.
    On this page the facebook icons and/or the comments box must be below the page.

    Als the the facebook icons or comments box is not shown on the portfolio detail page; https://www.paradepaard.nl/portfolio-items/divoza-horseworld/

    Augh! You just *had* to go and change how the filters are set up so that the hours of work I spent in getting the comment box to display *below* the content div instead of in it are now wasted, and I must now spend the next few hours redoing that work — nevermind the hours I’ve spent in my failed attempt to get comments to show up in any sort of moderation area.

    If once I get this styled again and comment moderation still isn’t working, I’m sorry, but this is going on my blacklist of plugins I tell people to never use — I don’t care how much the client wants the ability to post to its Page’s feed.

    this update/s messed my site particularly the sidebar and comments sections. i uninstalled this plugin and installed the previous working version but it still messed up my site. the only solution was to remove it completely and also delete anything that referenced to fb. what a way to update it facebook!!!wtf

    Update an hour later: Nope, comment moderation *still* doesn’t work.

    Thanks for wasting *hours* of my time, I shan’t be darkening your doorway further. I shall also tell every developer and client I know to avoid your plugin like the plague it is.

    In retrospect, maybe the plague comparison was a bit rage-y, but ermahgerd, am I sick of trying to troubleshoot this…

    Plugin Contributor Niall Kennedy


    Please don’t attach support requests to this thread. Open a new support ticket so your issue may be addressed individually.

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