Version 0.65 breaks Pages Access
Hi everyone,
with the last update I cannot access pages management from admin menu anymore. If i disable the plugin everything comes back to work.
Could you check if It’s a common issue?
Thanks in advance,
What version of WordPress are you running?
WordPress 3.8.3
I have a couple sites running WordPress 3.8.3 and am not seeing the issue you are seeing. My Dashboard works as it always have. It is possible you have a plugin conflict.
The easiest way to chase this down is to disable all plugins except Google Forms and see if the issue persists. If the problem goes away, enable your other plugins one at a time until the problem returns and that will give us a clue to the plugin conflict.
If the problem persists when you have all plugins except Google Forms disabled, then it could be a theme conflict although this would surprise me. The way to narrow this down is to temporarily switch to one of the default WordPress themes (e.g. TwentyTen).
Just checked out: the plugin that is in conflict is WordPress SEO ( you check it out please?
Thanks in advance,
I don’t know much about that plugin but I have it installed in my development site because it has caused problems previously.
I have made sure it is update to date and enabled it. I don’t see any errors, missing pages, missing menus or other Dashboard anomalies. Now since I don’t use it, I haven’t changed any of the settings so it is hard to replicate your exact setup.
The last time I looked into an issue with WordPress SEO contention it appeared that it was trying to do something to the Google Forms that were defined (they are store in the WordPress database as Custom Post Types) which didn’t make sense. The user I was helping was having other issues with WordPress SEO and decided to use something else instead.
I don’t believe this is a Google Forms issue you’re running into but I’ve been wrong before and could certainly be wrong again. However I need a way to replicate the problem in order to determine if it is something my plugin is doing or not.
I have the same problem with WordPress 3.9 running Woo Theme ‘for the cause’ WooCommerce, WordPress SEO (Yoast) and Google Forms 0.65.
I get a blank page when accessing posts, pages, products etc… With either Google Forms or WordPress SEO deactivated the error goes away.
With debug true in wp-config.php I see these errors as soon as I activate Google Forms regardless of whether WordPress SEO is active or not:
Notice: Undefined index: post_type in /home/linweb07/p/ on line 454
Notice: Undefined index: post_type in /home/linweb07/p/ on line 454
With Google Forms activated I see the error messages. With WordPress SEO activated as well I can’t edit posts, pages, products…
I use WooCommerce myself so I would be surprised if you ran into an issue between Google Forms and WooCommerce. If I understand you correctly, if you disable WordPress SEO everything seems to work correctly?
Hi Mike,
The blank page problem appears with both Google Forms and WordPress SEO activated at the same time. The problem goes away if I disable either of them.
There are no debug error messages with just WordPress SEO active.
The debug error messages appear when Google Forms is active and WordPress SEO is disabled.
Debug error messages remain with both Google Forms and WordPress SEO active at the same time, with the added issue of blank page when trying to edit posts or pages.
By changing the theme to standard WordPress theme the problems remain exactly the same, so I don’t think it’s a problem with the Woo Theme.
Many thanks
Hi Mike,
I have the same problem. The blank page problem appears with both Google Forms and WordPress SEO activated at the same time. The problem goes away if I disable either of them.
The error are with WordPress 3.8.3 and WordPress 3.9.
I have installed Google Forms 0.65 and WordPress SEO have a WordPress MU. In one work without problems and another have blank page problem.
If you need something, ask me.
CésarMore info:
In file: public_html/blog/wp-admin/error_log
[18-Apr-2014 14:49:03 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_sample_permalink() in public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/admin/class-metabox.php on line 1121Who is the real culprit?
The last time I looked closely into this I arrived at the same place you just did. I can’t say definitively that there isn’t anything wrong with Google Forms but I don’t believe there is.
Google Forms is based on a WordPress custom post type. Since I don’t know exactly how WordPress-SEO works and what all it does, I tried to follow the code a bit to see what the issue was. As near as I can tell it is trying to do something to every post regardless of post type.
What is confusing is, the function get_sample_permalink() is a WordPress function so I don’t know why it would be undefined. It does originate from the wp-admin/includes tree so maybe it is being called when it isn’t loaded, I can’t think of anything else.
This question/issue comes up periodically and I’ve looked through the Google Forms code a number of times and if I am doing something wrong, I don’t see it but I would be more than happy to fix it. I’ve also tried installing WordPress-SEO on my development area but simply activating it doesn’t seem to cause the problem, it needs some level of setup which I don’t have nor do I know how to do.
I open issue at
WordPress SEO said:
This is a known issue. The Google Forms plugin is doing something funky causing standard WP functions not to be available. This is not a WPSEO issue.
Is true? ??
If it is I don’t know what I am doing wrong.
Can one of you who is having this problem which I cannot replicate try something for me?
I have put a modified version of the one of the plugin files in Dropbox which contains some of the new code commented out. I’d like to see if it is this code which is causing problems for WordPress SEO. To try this, do the following:
- Download the modified version of wpgform-post-type.php from Dropbox
- Rename wpgform-post-type.php to
- Copy the modified version of wpgform-post-type.php into your wpgform plugin folder.
- See if the problem goes away.
Let me know if this makes a difference. If it does it narrows the scope of the problem but it won’t explain why it is an issue for WordPress SEO.
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