That is interesting, thanks for checking this out so quickly. I am still not convinced that Google Forms is doing anything wrong. This is the chunk of code which is commented out.
if (0):
// Post type is registered, do some hygiene on any that exist in the database.
// Insert the "wpgform" shortcode for that post into the post content. This
// ensures the form will be displayed properly when viewed through the CPT URL.
$args = array('post_type' => WPGFORM_CPT_FORM, 'posts_per_page' => -1) ;
// unhook this function so it doesn't update the meta data incorrectly
remove_action('save_post_' . WPGFORM_CPT_FORM, 'wpgform_save_meta_box_data');
$loop = new WP_Query($args);
while ($loop->have_posts()) :
$loop->the_post() ;
wp_update_post(array('ID' => get_the_ID(),
'post_content' => sprintf('[wpgform id=\'%d\']', get_the_ID()))) ;
endwhile ;
// re-hook this function
add_action('save_post_' . WPGFORM_CPT_FORM, 'wpgform_save_meta_box_data');
It runs as part of the init hook when the Google Forms post type is registered. I may have another test to try shortly, would you be open to additional testing?