• Resolved monkeyboz


    I’m doing some basic tests on a test server and I got some weird issues dealing with the scheduling of verification resulting in the plugin not scanning at all.

    I was able to get the code to scan by adding in the verify() function on the class init() function, but was unable to find anything that would have fixed this bug any other way.

    It might be a small issue dealing with the registering of the wp_cron job and changing the settings (Daily,Monthly,etc.) did not appear to fix any of the issues.

    Would it possibly be an issue with either the server time which is not getting registered through wordpress or something entirely differently.

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  • Thread Starter monkeyboz


    BTW the summary section is also not showing when not verified. There might need to be a button added to manually verify to make sure that your account is still active. It might also help with getting more registered users for the premium if you are able to show which settings are added when you register for the premium service other than more api calls.

    From what I can see, there could be added apache2 security checks, but that might be too much information being gathered by the software.

    Plugin Author erwanlr


    For the Summary section not showing, this is due to the WP Cron not running, which can be due to:

    The DISABLE_WP_CRON constant is set to true in the wp-config.php file, but no system cron has been set (crontab -e).

    A plugin’s caching pages is enabled (see https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/93570/wp-cron-doesnt-execute-when-time-elapses?answertab=active#tab-top).

    The blog being unable to make a loopback request, see the Tools->Site Health for details.

    If the issue can not be solved with the above, putting define(‘ALTERNATE_WP_CRON’, true); in the wp-config.php could help, however, will impact the SEO of the blog.

    Thread Starter monkeyboz


    Much appreciated, I had completely forgot about that particular situation that would result in a delayed or no-responsive cron execution depending on how you would want to run your cron-jobs.

    Thank you again.

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