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  • Plugin Author radiok


    Can you paste your EXACT custom message? I registered for your site and received the verification message but it is definitely funny. To send me the EXACT message, hit the code button above before pasting the message. It will come across looking something like this.

    Verification URL: %verification_url%
    Please use the above link to verify your email address and activate your account
    Thread Starter andriana


    Hi radiok !
    Sorry for the personalized message because the site is trilingual (Malagasy, English, French)

    Basically the error is:

    Verification URL: %verification_url%
    S'il vous pla?t utilisez le lien ci-dessus pour vérifier votre adresse e-mail et activer votre compte.
    Azafady, mba clikeo ilay "lien" eo ambony io ahafahana manokatra ny kaontynao. Misaotra betsaka.
    Please use the above link to verify your email address and activate your account.

    And here is what the user receives email as:
    Verification URL: action = verifyemail & VERIFICATION_CODE = wImhqZOdEIi3im5O96Xi
    It should not be a URL after URL Verification?
    eg: Verification URL: https:// …….

    Thread Starter andriana


    I thought that instead of a URL Verification, would it be possible to send a temporary password to the user so that he can connect temporarily and change his password later once he is connected to the backend?
    That would solve this URL history Verification right?
    What do you think about that, this idea would be possible?
    Thank you for your help!

    I am experiencing also problems with the email verification. (3.9.8 on wp 3.5.1)
    I am quite sure that there is a conflict with some wordpress functionality, since I get another email with the user-supplied credentials, which I do not want to be sent actually.
    Sometimes I am able to verify, but If I follow the verification link after the second email has been sent, I get the verification error.
    In neither case the users role is upgraded to “subscriber” (remains “unverified”). When I upgrade the user manually it works with the user-supplied credentials.

    Intalled the e-email plugin by Paul Newman. It blocks both the verification and the credential mail, so this is no solution….

    Any ideas from this?

    Another issue in my installation is that the password strength meter is not working on the registration form (shows up but doesnt anything) From the Profile interface it works. I am not well acquainted with the internals of WordPress, but might it be that some functions have changed their naems or behavior in the current WordPress release?

    There is definitively a bug in the combination of your latest version with wp 3.5.1 in my Installation. Even if I Switch to admin verification, I get a conflict when I verfiy the users from the redux Interface. I get two email Messages to the user, one with his Chosen pwd and antoher with a wp-generated pwd. The user state is not verified, I have to upgrade the user manually ….

    Could you please check this out? I really would like to use your module for a Project, but with this functionality it is alsmost senseless for me …

    I would provide an updated de_DE and de_DE_SIE (polite german Version) in return for a quick solution ….

    Plugin Author radiok


    SCHWARTZ Dieter, I know you say you have only this plugin installed, but that definitely sounds like a conflict… Can you try a development copy and let me know if the issue persists? Development version can be downloaded from

    oK, i catched the bug(s) … already going with 3.9.9

    When email verification is selected, this is incompatible with setting the password during registration. If you rely on Wp’s inner Password Generation, it works fine! Thats oK for me for now.

    But there are also some other issues:
    – Password strength meter still not working
    – Additional fields->Settings has some kind of wrong formatting (only some 10 characters per line …)

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