• My network administrator is attempting to configure NADI for me, but keeps getting an error that says, “Verification failed! Please Check your logfile for further information.” The WordPress log file (which I have enabled) shows no activity from NADI, and the log folder within the NADI folder is empty. He’s fairly certain he has entered everything correctly, and he believes the log file will clear everything up. Is there somewhere else I should be looking for the log? Thanks!

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  • Is your admin account under your base dn? We solved it using: dc=domain,dc=tld
    Looks like a bug. It’s reproducable.

    Logging starts to work after you are able to verify your account… thats another bug ??

    Hello @alguy711 and @viruz82,

    we are aware of the problem that you can not enable logging before you verified the connection to the AD. We completely replaced the old log4php framework with monolog and will try to resolve all current problems related to the log creation with the next NADI release (2.0.15). We are planning on releasing 2.0.15 this month.

    Regarding your verification problems please take a look at our documentation: https://active-directory-wp.com/docs/Configuration/Environment.html

    Best regards

    Hi @medan123,

    thanks for your reply but this is exactly the way we have tested it.

    With your way all users have to be somewhere below the base dn but in our case the administrator is outside the base dn. The result is that users in other OUs than the user for the verification can not be authenticated.

    For a ldap bind the base dn is not necessary, so why require the base dn for verification?



    The problem here relates to my other problem regarding the umlauts >> user import.
    >>SID of user 'administrator@XXX' could not be retrieved. Is the base DN correct? Does the userPrincipalName 'administrator@XXX' exist and not only its sAMAccountName?'

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