Verification badge is displayed twice in Members Directory
Hi there, my verification badge is displayed twice in my Members Directory
Any idea, why this is happening?
Hi @carsten-lund,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Are you using BuddyPress or BuddyBoss?
Can you ensure that the verified badge is set to either the full name or the username, but not both? You can check this in Dashboard > Settings > BuddyPress > Verified Member > Profiles Settings.
We’re waiting for your feedback.
Hi there, I’m using BuddyPress, and the Verified Badge is set to display in Username only.
I’m using this code to show Xprofile Field Data after the username in Members Directory. Could this cause the trouble?
function yzc_add_xprofile_field_data_after_username( $name ) { if ( bp_is_members_directory() ) { $field_data = xprofile_get_field_data( 'Alder:', bp_get_member_user_id() ); $field_data_gender = xprofile_get_field_data( 'Jeg er en:', bp_get_member_user_id() ); return $name . " <span class='bp-user-age'> <br/>" . $field_data_gender . ", " . $field_data . "</span>"; } return $name; } add_filter( 'bp_member_name', 'yzc_add_xprofile_field_data_after_username', 10 );
Hi Carsten,
Thank you for your feedback.
Can you please remove this code temporarily to see if this issue still occurs?
Hi there, the issue is for sure related to the code, because the extra Verified Badge is set, after the added field_data.
After the code has been removed:
CarstenSo the question is, why this member types field_data triggers the code?
$field_data_gender = xprofile_get_field_data( 'Jeg er en:', bp_get_member_user_id() );
Hi @carsten-lund,
We took a look but we don’t know why it behaves this way. When you remove the snippet, the username doesn’t show up, which is weird.
At this point, I’m afraid we’re not able to know exactly what’s going on and we unfortunately don’t make support for custom code. However, we invite you to try disabling the Verified Member options one by one to see if either badge disappears at some point, to get a lead.
Hope this will help you.
Hi there, yes it is weird that the username does not displayed, when the code is deactivated.
I fully understand that you don’t support custom code, but the custom profile field where the extra badge is displayed, is Single Member Type from Members Types PRO plugin, not with other custom profile fields.
Could the issue be related to members types?
CarstenHi @carsten-lund,
At this point, we don’t know. ??
Did you disabled the Verified Member options one by one to see if either badge disappears at some point?
Hi there, if I disable Verified Badge in Members Lists of course both badges disappear from the directory, all other options does not affect the issue in the directory.
Hi @carsten-lund,
Could you please tell me if deactivating our plugin makes the username displayed again?
Hi there, something strange is happening, when deactivating Verified Member plugin, then the members directory does not show up, so I’m not able to check this out.
When activating the plugin again, the WP Dashboard turns blank, and you have to use the back option in the browser to get in contact with the dashboard again, and the plugin is then activated. So something is going wrong.
Hi @carsten-lund,
Indeed, something strange is going on.
Could you please deactivate all plugins but BuddyPress? Then, if everything is working correctly, could you activate just Verified Member to have only two plugins activated, please?
This way, we’ll see if a third party plugin is causing this.
Hi there, thanks for your persistent interest in solving this issue.
I did what you said, the issue disappeared with all other plugins were deactivated.
I activated them one by one, an located the issue to be with Members Types Pro plugin, which makes good sense, since the extra badge was displayed next to the member type field data.So it’s an issue when using Member Types Pro with the code snippet X-profile Field Data after the username in Members Directory.
Conclusion, the issue is not caused by the Verified Member plugin. I will contact BuddyDev for a possible solution.
Thanks for helping out.
Hi @carsten-lund,
You’re welcome. I’m glad to read you’ve been able to locate from where this issue is coming from!
We hope Members Types Pro plugin’s authors will be able to help you in no time! Don’t hesitate to share the solution with us. I’m sure it will help other users facing the same issue. #SharingIsCaring ????
If you’re happy with our plugin, please feel free to leave a review. It really motivates us to allow more time to perfect our plugin!
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