• Resolved debedete


    Before we enable Venmo, our controller would like to know what Venmo reporting is like. Is it same as PayPal?


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  • Plugin Contributor Ben Meredith


    Hi @debedete

    All Venmo donations will still go through (and be processed in) the PayPal account, so the reporting should remain exactly the same. I am not super-familiar with it from their side, but in my tests it shows up right there alongside other PayPal donations.

    PayPal support may be able to clarify.

    Glad you reached out!

    Thread Starter debedete


    Thanks, Ben. That’s also what it sounds like from the PayPal FAQ https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/FAQ3478. So looks like it would not place additional burden on the finance team to handle a separate account.

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