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  • Hi Mattrin,

    Compatibility with 100% of third party plugins is, well, challenging to say the least. ?? The little plugins, like that Distance Rate Shipping, is best advised to write in compatibility for WC Vendors, rather than us write in compatibility for them.

    Will it work out of the box? I don’t know. Can the author make it work for you? I don’t know. Can we make it work for you? We don’t have the time, we develop our own plugin, instead.

    Looking at what that plugin does, you would have to make a huge amount of modifications to both plugins to get it to work. But I have not used it, so I can’t say for sure.

    Sorry I couldn’t be a ton of help on this one!


    First of all, I think your plugin is great, finally a free solution for this. To get back at this topic: I am looking for a possibility to set shipping methods and rates, on a vendor level, as well. Not necessary compatible with the distance rate shipping though. I think it is quite essential for individual vendors to set their shipping settings and rates or am I getting the goal of this plugin wrong?

    Is there any chance this is included, in some extend, in the upcoming versions?

    Thank you so much!

    Hi wz,

    Thanks! Glad your enjoying the plugin and getting good use of it.

    We currently support the per product shipping or free shipping options (include the price of shipping in the price of the product). There is plans to increase the shipping options including table rate and others. Shipping is actually quite hard to program. Using the per product shipping plugin, you can have your vendors set a price to ship flat rate to parts of a country. Shipping calculators could be integrated but would require a bit of work due to the different origins of the products/vendors. It’s definitely on our list of things to focus on once we’ve got the first version of pro out.


    Wow! thanks for your quick reply Ben!
    You say the plugin supports the per product shipping right? But I guess i do need the per product shipping plugin for that correct? Ok let me check it out. Great to hear that some vendor shipping options are on the list and Im definitely gonna checkout the pro version.

    You bet! Replies on wordpress forums can be slow, but this topic was already created so it sends email notifications to me. If you post support questions on in the Help Forum, replies are generally this fast as well. I try to check the forums here twice a day, but most people use our own web forums for support. You should check out the site. There’s a wealth of information there, tricks, tips, setup guides, code snippets, etc…..

    The Per Product Shipping plugin would be required, yes, so you’ll have to grab that for those shipping options.



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