• Resolved dave8528


    I have not installed this plugin yet, but I was wondering if Admin can create multiple payment options where vendors get paid directly by their customers and Admin/site owner can either charge a percentage of the sale and/or flat fee to the vendors.




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  • Hi Dave,

    The only way to “instantly” pay vendors is by using PayPal Adaptive Payment gateway, which is of course, included free with WC Vendors. You will need a PayPal AP account, which is fairly easy to request from PayPal. You can pay vendors instantly, daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, or any time you choose “Pay Now” in the settings area.

    If you want to automatically pay vendors with another company other than PayPal, you must do this manually. This is how I pay my vendors on my own stores. I pay them on the 1st of the month, and issue either Direct Deposits or paper checks. All I do is open the reports for vendors, send the payments, then mark that months commissions as paid. It takes me about an hour, once a month, to pay 85 vendors.

    In future releases of WC Vendors we’ll (probably) be adding support for Stripe, and possibly other payment services when the demand dictates from users of the plugin that they want the support. PayPal is so overwhelmingly dominant in web payments, that Stripe is the only other gateway we’ve had requested so far.

    On your other question, regarding commissions, you can set commissions in 3 ways (and more):

    1.) You can set a global commission percentage that applies to all vendors.

    2.) You can set a vendor commission percentage for certain vendors, which overrides #1.

    3.) You can set a per-product commission percentage for higher or lower commissions on a per-product level, which overrides #2, and #2 overrides #1. Product commission is 1st priority, vendor commission is 2nd priority, and if neither exist, the third priority is the global commission rate.

    4.) By using a snippet of code found on the wcvendors.com KnowledgeBase, you can change the percentage to a fixed price (Say, $5, $100, $10000000000) or whatever you like. You can also do a percentage plus a dollar amount (say 25% + $0.50, or whatever you like).

    Have fun, download and try the plugin. It’s the best one out there. ??


    Thread Starter dave8528


    Just installed it and love it already! …and thank you so much for detailed explanation. About the payment process, I agree and am going to use Paypal’s Adaptive process which does what I intend to do. I need to make sure the buyers will pay Vendors/Sellers directly and my site’s charges are paid by the vendors automatically (which adaptive process should take care of that I guess). But in your plugin, it seems that I, as site owner, will be collecting the buyers’ payments and pay the vendors based on the percentage that I setup. How can I adjust that accordingly?
    Couple of more questions for you though if you don’t mind:
    1- I can’t seem to be upload images as Vendor. Ir just keeps displaying an error. It says Max. size 1MB but images I have are not anywhere near that.

    2- Can I some how have a different admin panel for vendors than the one that looks like WP’s admin panel. What I mean is something more like the theme itself than WP’s.
    Again, thank you for this GREAT plugin.



    Hi Dave!

    Glad you’re enjoying WC Vendors. ??

    You, as the site owner, handles the payment. You receive all of the money. If you setup PayPalAP, then your account sends the vendors their money in real-time, or based on the schedule you chose in the settings. You can adjust it by going to wp-admin->WooCommerce->WC Vendors->Settings — everything is in those tabs there. Or, you can wp-admin->Users->Edit User to change ONE vendors percentage, which overrides the first setting if you have vendors you want to pay different percentages.

    1.) We don’t restrict image sizes. If you’re having an issue with that, it’s probably a php.ini/wp-config.php settings that is wrong, or a webserver limitation. There’s nothing in WC Vendors that would cause this error, it’s all on the WordPress side of things. Google “wordpress increase image upload size” and you’ll see a few thousand pages on how to fix this. ??

    2.) Yes! But you’ll have to wait for WC Vendors Pro, which is $99 and wont be release for a few months still, we’re in the middle stages of coding it right now. Once it’s ready, there will be full product editing on the front-end dashboard rather than the back-end wp-admin. And other cool things, like vendor feedback/ratings, etc…..


    Thread Starter dave8528


    Few MONTHS Ben!!??? Don’t know if I can keep my Franklin’s grin for that long ….LOL


    Perfection takes time. ??

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