VCl Rules
Why all the time our site( view is changing(Mobile/ Destop, Destop/Mobile is switching).
when we contact the plugin(mobile plugin wp touch pro) developer they are saying like this
“Caching plugins and services (such as Varnish) tend to overwrite your desktop theme with posts and pages stored using your mobile theme (and vice-versa). Until caching software can recognize the theme being used, we offer support to assist you in disabling them from activating when mobile devices are detected. This will allow you to see your mobile theme on mobile devices and your desktop theme on desktop browsers as expected.Our customer support documentation covers most of the popular caching plugins. For the free version of WPtouch, enter the user agents found under Advanced Options > Custom User-Agents to the “rejected user agents” areas in your caching software’s settings. Remember to clear your plugin, service, browser, and device caches before retesting.”
How to do this. I want to show mobile site for mobile visitors & Desktop site for Desktop visitors.
How can i configure it.
What are the Varnish Varnish VCL rules ?? When i contact the Hosting Provider They are asking “Varnish VCL rules”.
Please solve this Problem.
saikumar Talla.
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