Vcard extension doesn’t work anymore
Hi, your Vcard extension works perfectly last week after I implemented the code your side has given. Link of previous post.
But it shows the message ‘This file has been removed’ when a user updates his profile to generate the vcard this week.
Link to the screenshot:
This happens to both newly registered users and existing users on my site. It just doesn’t create the folder in wp-content/uploads anymore
This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by
Have you set “Disable Profile Photo Upload”
in UM Settings -> Appearance -> Profile ?Yes all the time.
Also remember it worked perfectly previously.
You can replace all of the current
with this new code version 1.1.0:<?php /* Plugin Name: Ultimate Member - VCard Plugin URI: Description: Adds a predefined field to generate VCard for users to download from their profiles. Version: 1.1.0 Author: Ultimate Member Ltd. Author URI: Text Domain: um-vcard */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die( 'You are not allowed to call this page directly.' ); } define( 'UM_VCARD_PLUGIN_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) ); define( 'UM_VCARD_PLUGIN_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ); // Composer dependencies. if ( is_readable( __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php' ) ) { require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; } use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Formatter\Formatter; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Formatter\VcfFormatter; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Parser\Parser; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Parser\VcfParser; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Address; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Anniversary; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Birthdate; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Email; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Gender; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Logo; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Name; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Nickname; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Note; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Parameter\Kind; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Parameter\Revision; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Parameter\Type; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Parameter\Version; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Photo; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Telephone; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Title; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Role; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\Property\Url; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\VCard; /** * Generate VCard on profile update * * @param integer $user_id The current user's ID. */ function um_vcard_generate( $user_id ) { um_fetch_user( $user_id ); $lastname = um_user( 'last_name' ); $firstname = um_user( 'first_name' ); $additional = um_user( 'display_name' ); $prefix = um_user( 'prefix' ); $suffix = um_user( 'suffix' ); $user_dir = UM()->uploader()->get_upload_user_base_dir( $user_id ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if( !file_exists( $user_dir )) { wp_mkdir_p( $user_dir ); } $vcard = new VCard( null, Version::version3() ); $vcard->add( new Name( $lastname, $firstname ) ); $vcard->add( new Title( um_user( 'title' ) ) ); $vcard->add( new Role( um_user( 'role' ) ) ); $vcard->add( new Telephone( um_user( 'mobile_number' ) ) ); if ( file_exists( $user_dir . um_profile( 'profile_photo' ) ) && is_file( $user_dir . um_profile( 'profile_photo' ) ) ) { //$sizes = UM()->options()->get( 'photo_thumb_sizes' ); //$min_size = min( $sizes ); //$avatar = str_replace( 'profile_photo', 'profile_photo-' . $min_size . 'x' . $min_size, $user_dir . um_profile( 'profile_photo' ) ); $avatar = $user_dir . um_profile( 'profile_photo' ); $data = file_get_contents( $avatar ); // we should split this large string into smaller 72-symbols strings, to correspond the standard. $vcard->add( new Photo( $data ) ); $vcard->add( new Logo( $data ) ); } add_action( 'um_vcard_before_save', $vcard, $user_id ); $formatter = new Formatter( new VcfFormatter(), 'vcard' ); $formatter->addVCard( $vcard ); $formatter->save( $user_dir ); update_user_meta( $user_id, 'vcard', 'vcard.vcf' ); } add_action( 'um_after_user_updated', 'um_vcard_generate' ); add_action( 'um_registration_complete', 'um_vcard_generate' ); /** * Add Vcard predefined field. * * @param array $fields predefined fields array. */ function um_vcard_add_field( $fields ) { $fields['vcard'] = array( 'title' => __( 'VCard', 'ultimate-member' ), 'metakey' => 'vcard', 'type' => 'file', 'label' => __( 'VCard', 'ultimate-member' ), 'required' => 0, 'public' => 1, 'editable' => false, 'icon' => 'um-icon-card', 'color' => '#6441A4', ); return $fields; } add_filter( 'um_predefined_fields_hook', 'um_vcard_add_field', 10, 1 ); // Don't display the field in Edit View. add_filter( 'um_vcard_form_edit_field', '__return_empty_string' );
There is a new beta test version of the VCard Plugin available with more User fields.
full_nameThanks much! The code works.
I hope your team can maintain the updates for vcard and provide more featues such as generate the beautiful biocard before downloading the vcard etc.
Do you want a copy of the new version of the VCard plugin?
Is the beta version fully tested?
The new vCard source was submitted for release 8 days ago.
My addition of the folder creation must be added too.
I have the final version and can post a copy here for you to test.
This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by
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