• Resolved alwinch


    Im a little confused at how to do this. I am selling in CA and want to charge the CA tax to All US customers. I want to charge anyone OUTSIDE the US a 23 percent VAT tax. Do I create a standardard rate for all outside the US and do I have to list each country code seperately? Do I then have to make another standard tax for all US based on the sellers address? And if I do this will the checkout look at The customers address and apply the CA tx to US and the standard VAT tax to everyone else? Or doses teh CALCUATE TAX AUTOMATICALLY do this Thanks

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  • Mirko P.


    Hello @alwinch,

    Let’s say you want to apply a 7.25% VAT rate to all of the United States following the current CA tax rate, and a standard 23% VAT rate to the rest of the world, this is how you’d want to set up your tax rates:

    Link to image: https://snipboard.io/kUeCzx.jpg

    Under WooCommerce > Settings > Tax > Tax options you may want to select “Customer billing address” next to the option Calculate tax based on.

    Hope this helps.

    Mirko P.


    Hello there,

    I hope the above info was helpful to you.

    I’ll mark this topic as solved for now. Please feel free to open a new topic if you have any other questions.


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