• Resolved puneetduneja


    I have uploaded the GST Tax file in woocommerce but in the checkout page, the tax is shown as VAT instead of GST. I live in India and the taxes here are called GST. I could not find any option to show or even convert the VAT to GST. Kindly help

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  • Moderator Yui



    You need to use localized version of WooCommerce plugin.
    Unfortunately i dont see any available localized language packs for Indian languages.


    You can try contributing to WooCommerce translation for your locale.


    See more on how to do it in Polyglots handbook:


    Alternatively, you can try with this plugin:
    Original text: VAT
    Domain: woocommerce
    Replacement text: GST

    I’m not sure if this will work, but if this will work for you, i’d like to know about it.

    Thread Starter puneetduneja


    @fierevere Thank you for the suggestion but unfortunately, it didn’t work this way. All I changed was 2 fields in woocommerce’s tax tab:
    1. Shipping tax class field: From ‘Shipping tax class based on cart items’ to ‘Standard’
    2. Display tax totals field: From ‘As a single total’ to ‘itemised’

    And also removed all the different states in India in ‘Standard rates’ settings and just put India with two different GST (CGST & SGST).

    And that solved the problem.

    I want to display GST instead of VAT. Searched everywhere for solutions. Used gettext filter. But doesn’t work for me. Would someone please spread some light?. I don’t want to use any plugins. Below is the code that I have tried.

    add_filter( ‘gettext’, function( $translation, $text, $domain ) {
    if ( $domain == ‘woocommerce’ ) {
    if ( $text == ‘(incl. VAT)’ ) { $translation = ‘(incl. GST)’; }
    return $translation;
    }, 10, 3 );

    All this is needed for the Checkout Page only. The SubTotal and Individual prices are shown in VAT and the Total is shown in GST as per the tax slabs. I want the word VAT to be replaced with GST

    Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/10yls6l

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