You’re right, the self-certification field is always required if the location evidence is insufficient. It makes sense, as the EU VAT Assistant was originally designed exclusively for digital sales (like ours, as this is a plugin we wrote mainly for internal use). In such shops, the location evidence is required. Mixed shops, selling digital and physical products, were taken into account at a later stage.
I will ask to add a filter to override the check for the self certification. In the meantime, you can use a workaround, by telling the EU VAT Assistant that there is sufficient evidence in specific circumstances, by using a filter like the following:
add_filter('wc_aelia_eu_vat_assistant_location_evidence_countries', function($countries) {
// Use your custom conditions to decide when to override the list of countries
if(<your custom conditions>) {
// Take the first country (the billing country) and add it again to the list.
// This will tell the EU VAT Assistant that there are at least two pieces of
// evidence proving the location, and the self-certification check won't
// be performed
$countries[] = $countries[0];
return $countries;
}, 10);