• Resolved gbsl



    On our ecommerce shop (Woo commerce) we have “variable products” which are showing as “This product is currently out of stock and unavailable” even though the stock status on each variant is set as “In stock”

    why is this happening?


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    That is true but you are reading the posts anyway and you know what is happening. It’s as simple as taking the initiative and open a new post (on any platform) with some solution to the same incident that has been reported so many times.

    I have same problem. 2 of my 47 Products (all with Variations) show out of stock and shouldn’t.

    2 show red type ‘Out of stock’; this is on the dashboard’s “ALL PRODUCTS” page where they are all listed (name, SKU, stock, price, etc.). Each of my 47 products has 372 variations! (“Package” ie -std size or not, “Shipping” ie -digital file ie no cost, or not; and “Quantity” many options ie for discount pricing)

    I have read this thread and another older one and based on those comments:

    -I do NOT have ‘Manage stock’ checked under the main variable product or its children, all of the variations. Rather – I have checked “Sold individually, “Enable this to only allow one of this item to be bought in a single order” but all my products are checked in this manner.
    -All of my products have pictures associated with them.
    -The ‘stock status’ within all the children/variations (of the one product (of 2) in question)) reads ‘in stock’ (I didn’t sample all 372 but did a random sampling of maybe 20)
    And additionally, variations have prices associated with them.

    I have made no special changes to these 2 products out of my 47 total, to my knowledge, no reason they’d be different than the others. And I do not readily see any difference between an ‘in stock’ product and the 2 ‘out of stock’ products.

    (ALSO – I just created a test order with one of these 2 and it went through to completion? Still, I’ll continue here because I’d like to resolve this…) What else might I try?
    Thank in advance.

    Also since it was unclear to me whether this was the correct place to post my message, showing “Resolved” prior, I’ve also posted as a new thread.



    Hei! I have same issue in our store with the stock status showing incorrectly.

    We have thousands of products, with most of them variable and we just discovered after implementing an “in stock” label to our fronend that some variable products show in stock, all-though they are not.

    The “manage stock” setting is the same as for cpl. of thousand other products, but still not showing correctly. So I tried as suggested here – I removed “manage stock” on one of the variations, updated and restored the “managed stock” and order terms. After saving that, the stock is displayed correctly… Go figure ??

    Probably some write error on initial product creation or some other bug… But I wish there would be a woocommerce tool for to fix this via procedure – similar to “recount terms” tool.






    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    @heints Please create your own thread describing the issue and also including your System Status Report, which is found under WooCommerce > Status. This thread is set to Resolved and will not be checked any more, I am only replying because I replied previously and received an email when you commented.



    I m having same issue from time to time.






    Same problem, still not fixed. The problem comes when I want to use my online store on my localhost. The products shows “Out of Stock” when I download the DB and project files to my localhost. Anyone found a solution so far?

    Adding new products does not have the problem though. Only the existing products are messed up.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by juni4567.


    Go into each individual product, click the variations tab and expand each variation – unchecking the “manage stock” checkbox:


    I just tried the above and went to each variation, checked manage stock, enabled, and put in a large number, saved and updated and it worked!!

    The solution by juni4567 above worked for us — if you have created variations and given them a price and stock quantity – you need to uncheck ‘Enable stock management at product level’ in the main Inventory Tab and check ‘Manage stock?’ in the variations tab for each variation.

    Ok, I have an issue, my parent product has to manage the stock for my variations. Everything works fine for items with Qty but the minute they sell out it shows Out of Stock which is correct. However, when the item comes back into stock, it still shows out of stock even though there is a “shown” stock qty and won’t let you add it to the cart because of the Out of Stock issue.

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