Variable product will not publish
I got woo commerce v2.3.8 and the latest wp version installed.As I started adding products variable products suddenly stopped publishing. I’ve tried everything and it still not working (deactivate plugins, fresh installation, debug…). For now I will add simple products, but it will be extremely helpful to have variable products working again. is a copy of the system report (if it helps):
{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}
\pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0\f0\fs24 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 \
### WordPress Environment ###\
Home URL:\
Site URL:\
WC Version: 2.3.8\
WC Database Version: 2.3.8\
Log Directory Writable: \uc0\u10004 /home/wizzlebe/public_html/wp-content/uploads/wc-logs/\
WP Version: 4.2.2\
WP Multisite: \’96\
WP Memory Limit: 96 MB\
WP Debug Mode: \’96\
Language: en_AU\
### Server Environment ###\
Server Info: Apache\
PHP Version: 5.5.24\
PHP Post Max Size: 18 MB\
PHP Time Limit: 30\
PHP Max Input Vars: 1000\
SUHOSIN Installed: \’96\
MySQL Version: 5.5.40\
Max Upload Size: 16 MB\
Default Timezone is UTC: \uc0\u10004 \
fsockopen/cURL: \uc0\u10004 \
SoapClient: \uc0\u10004 \
DOMDocument: \uc0\u10004 \
GZip: \uc0\u10004 \
Remote Post: \uc0\u10004 \
Remote Get: \uc0\u10004 \
### Server Locale ###\
decimal_point: .\
thousands_sep: N/A\
mon_decimal_point: N/A\
mon_thousands_sep: N/A\
### Active Plugins (13) ###\
Child Pages Shortcode: by Takayuki Miyauchi \’96 1.9.3\
Force Regenerate Thumbnails: by Pedro Elsner \’96 2.0.5\
Image Rotation Fixer: by Mert Yazicioglu \’96 1.0\
Image Watermark: by dFactory \’96 1.4.1\
Jetpack by by Automattic \’96 3.5.3\
MMWW: by Ollie Jones \’96 1.0.6\
Product Enquiry for WooCommerce: by WisdmLabs \’96 0.3.6\
W3 Total Cache: by Frederick Townes \’96\
WooCommerce Customizer: by SkyVerge \’96 2.1.0\
WooCommerce Jetpack: by Algoritmika Ltd \’96 2.1.3\
Woocommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife: by Uli Hake \’96 2.2.4\
WooCommerce: by WooThemes \’96 2.3.8\
WP Flow Plus: by WP Flow Plus \’96 2.2.3\
### Settings ###\
API Enabled: \uc0\u10004 \
Taxes Enabled: \’96\
Shipping Enabled: \’96\
Force SSL: \’96\
Currency: AUD ($)\
Currency Position: left\
Thousand Separator: ,\
Decimal Separator: .\
Number of Decimals: 2\
### WC Pages ###\
Shop Base: #730 – /shop/\
Cart: #732 – /cart/\
Checkout: #734 – /checkout-2/\
My Account: #736 – /my-account/\
### Taxonomies ###\
Product Types: external (external)\
grouped (grouped)\
simple (simple)\
variable (variable)\
### Theme ###\
Name: Customizr\
Version: 3.3.23\
Author URL:\
Child Theme: \uc0\u10005 \’96 If you’re modifying WooCommerce or a parent theme you didn’t build personally we recommend using a child theme. See: How to create a child theme\
WooCommerce Support: \uc0\u10004 \
### Templates ###\
Overrides: \’96\
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