Variable product prices not showing after product csv import
Just starting this as a new thread for those who commented on the end of this earlier post as I have the same problem
I have been using this plugin every month for 3 years now and only really since about WC 2.3+ has this become a problem.
After doing a product merge followed by a variation merge using woocommerce product csv import suite, the prices on all 500 merged variable products disappeared on the front end on the shop pages and on the individual product pages.
In the backend on the WooCommerce products list – the prices are missing from the recently merged variable products. But in product data panel on the Edit Product screen, the variations are there with their prices and updated stock levels. Only when I click the blue Update button does the price finally display on the front end shop/product pages and back end product list.
To debug I manually created a variable product and then exported all my products and variations via woocommerce>csv import suite>export.
I compared the product and variation data of my recently merged products with the new product I manually added and those 2 products I manually updated.
*** Differences in the product data ***
The new product (and those I had clicked the blue update button) had a blank stock value whereas all the other products had a zero (0). My product csv file that I use for my merges also has a blank stock field for variable products – the zero must be getting set by woocommerce?
*** Difference in the variation data ***
The variations of the new product I manually created had a menu_order value of 1. My existing variations (all created and updated via csv import suite) all had menu_order of 0. I had never used a menu_order field in my variation import files. The sample file provided with the plugin docs does not contain this field.
I don’t know if either of these discrepancies mean anything. Any suggestions how to get these prices back on the website using the product csv import suite?
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