• My Website/Blog run includes a Picture Slideshow that is dependent on a Variable based on the set of pics it runs for a specified Picture Job. Right now It looks for a specific job and the pics that with it. I have read through many of the Post on this forum and cant seem to find a solution that would allow me to set the featured image that gets posted to Facebook to be the First Picture of the Slideshow. It currently posts the very first pic on the page which isn’t the first pic of the slideshow. Here is the code on the page in question I was wondering if you could look it over and tell me how to set it up correctly.


    /*Template Name: Photo Slideshow*/

    $listing = new QpListing($_GET[‘id’]);
    $token_check = testPermissionToken($listing->client->id);
    if (!$listing->found || empty($listing->images)) {
    header(‘Location: ‘.get_bloginfo(‘url’));
    if (!isset($_COOKIE[‘qp_slideshow_’ . $listing->id])) {
    } else {

    $client = new QpClient($listing->client_id);

    <header class=”group global-width auto-margin margin-top-huge margin-top-small-mobile line-height-1″>

    <!– start address info–>
    <div class=”fltlt noflt-mobile align-center-mobile”>
    <h1 class=”margin-bottom-small”><?= $listing->address ?></h1>
    <p class=”fltlt margin-right-medium”><?= $listing->city.’, ‘.$listing->state.’ ‘.$listing->zip ?></p>
    <p class=”align-right-mobile”>
    echo ‘$’ . number_format($listing->price);
    <p><?= $listing->short_description ?>, <?= number_format($listing->sqft) ?> sq.ft</p>
    <!– !end address info–>
    <?php soundy_button(); ?>
    <!– start realtor info–>
    <?php if($_GET[‘clean’]!=”true”): ?>
    <div class=”fltrt align-right align-center-mobile noflt-mobile”>
    <div class=”fltlt margin-top-large-mobile margin-top-xtrasmall noflt-mobile”>
    <img src=”<?= $client->company_logo; ?>” />
    <h2><?= $client->name; ?></h2>
    <p><?= $client->email; ?></p>
    <p><?= $client->phone; ?></p>
    <? if( strpos($client->arr[‘profile_pic’], ‘default’)===false ){ ?>
    <img src=”<?= $client->profile_pic; ?>” class=”margin-center-medium fltlt relative ” style=”margin-bottom:-6px; top:-18px; height:110px; width:auto;” />
    <? } ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <!– !end realtor info–>


    <div id=”main” role=”main” class=”global-width auto-margin padding-bottom-huge”>
    <?php soundy_button(); ?>
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js”></script>
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”<?=bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’);?>/sudoslider/js/jquery.sudoSlider.min.js”></script>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>

    // Gets current viewport width and shows slider appropriately
    function ResizeImageBoxes(){
    Width = $(window).width();
    if(Width > 1000){
    $(“#slider img”).css(“max-height”,”600px”);
    $(“.slidesContainer div”).css(“max-height”,”600px”);
    else if (Width < 450){
    $(“.slidesContainer div”).css(“max-height”,”200px”);
    $(“.slidesContainer div img”).css(“max-height”,”200px”);
    else if (Width > 451 && Width < 999){
    $(“.slidesContainer div”).css(“max-height”,”356px”);
    $(“.slidesContainer div img”).css(“max-height”,”356px”);
    /*h = 10-(Math.round(Width/100));
    height = 600 – (60 * h);
    $(“#slider”).css(“height”,height + “px”);
    $(“.slidesContainer div”).css(“height”,height + “px”);
    $(“.slidesContainer div img”).css(“height”,height + “px”);*/


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