• In what page/file can I find the below code? I need to change the “padding-top” from 45.5px to 5px. I can’t seem to find this code anywhere. I can see it in inspect element, but can’t seem to locator which file it is coming from. The site is https://dtrm.co and as you can see the image in the masthead is partly below the menu. The image is in a Image (PB) widget placed in the header-sidebar. In an element inspection if you change the 45.5px to 5px it centers the image and looks great. I just need to find the code to do this.

    <div id="header-sidebar" style="padding-top: 45.5px; padding-bottom: 45.5px;">
    				<aside id="siteorigin-panels-image-2" class="widget widget_siteorigin-panels-image"><a href="https://dtrm.co/?page_id=2"><img src="https://dtrm.co/image/credit-approval.png"></a></aside><aside id="vantage-social-media-2" class="widget widget_vantage-social-media"><a class="social-media-icon social-media-icon-facebook social-media-icon-small" href="https://www.facebook.com/DownTheRoadMotorsInc" title="Down the road motors Facebook" target="_blank"><span class="icon-facebook"></span></a><a class="social-media-icon social-media-icon-twitter social-media-icon-small" href="https://twitter.com/down_road" title="Down the road motors Twitter" target="_blank"><span class="icon-twitter"></span></a></aside>			</div>
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  • you change the padding in the css file
    appearance ==> editor ===> style.css

    your photos are too big I would turn the theme to boxed
    appearance ==> Theme Settings==> layout ==> Boxed
    and image size 1080px X 420px would look much better

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