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  • I think you’re missing the ul for the menu class. Try doing what I have in my Andreas08 theme, but do your’s accordingly.

    <h2>Favorite Links</h2> < !–start menu–>
    <ul class=”menu”>

    < li >a link< / li >
    < li >a link< / li >
    < li >a link< / li >
    < li >a link< / li >
    < / ul > < !–close menu–>

    Those two have to be before li’s
    < !–start menu–>
    <ul class=”menu”>

    and this < / ul > < !–close menu–> after the closing li tags. As far as I know…maybe others can tell ya a simpler way.. I hope this helps. =)


    I just took a look at your css file, apparently you have it under just #menu. See if that works, to just name the class=”menu” once, like I have above.. Jesus! Just trying to make the stupid codes to show properly is enough to drive ya batty lol!! I hope that don’t confuse you.. But, just by looking at your blog, the menu is shifted to the right, outside the white space…

    But do that where ever you have the li’s at within the sidebar.php file.

    Thread Starter da4w1d


    Hmmm i dont understend..can you see me screenshot..?

    Don’t need one really, you are missing these, just like it is:
    <h2>Favorite Links</h2> < !–start menu–>
    <ul class=”menu”>

    < li >a link< / li >
    < li >a link< / li >
    < li >a link< / li >
    < li >a link< / li >
    < / ul > < !–close menu–>

    When I viewed your source code of the site, you don’t have any ul and li s around your first group of links.. Well, really maybe the whole sidebar could be redone by a professional csser lol! But, that ain’t me lmao!


    If I’m thinking right, you’d need to do that around all the “catagory” or sections for the sidebar… but correct me if I’m wrong moderators and or someone….

    Maybe even change the < div class=”menu” > to the < ul class=”menu” > to, that’s what Andreas08 theme does..

    Thread Starter da4w1d


    I find this:
    <?php list_cats(0, ”, ‘name’, ‘asc’, ”, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,”,”,”,”,”) ?>


    <?php wp_get_archives(‘type=monthly&format=custom’) ?>

    This is very good :), valid is ok!!, but archives(archiwum) is display in one line ??


    Alright, well for starters you have two to play with. Now for those two, you should have something like this:

    < ul class=”menu” >
    <?php list_cats(0, ”, ‘name’, ‘asc’, ”, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,”,”,”,”,”) ?>
    < / ul >

    < ul class=”menu” >
    <?php wp_get_archives(‘type=monthly&format=custom’) ?>
    < / ul >

    Do that with your’s once, but make sure you don’t have any spaces between the <ul class=”menu”> and the end tag thingys..

    Do you have MSN Messenger or something like that lol? It’d be alot faster and easier in there.. =)


    Thread Starter da4w1d


    Hmmm i have gg(polish comunicator), but i have jabber conto ?? well…..we can speak ??

    My jabber: [email protected]

    Jesus Da4w1D, trying to figure out how to use Jabber or get that working is more confusing, then what I had showed ya above to do with your css file lmaO! But, I went and downloaded Pandion 2.5 and added ya in there for a contact.

    Username: [email protected]

    But I guess you are not online anyways lmao! Well, atleast I got something to talk with you, with lol. =)


    please, be aware that for non-English speakers (not necessarily for Da4w1D) all those “lol” “lmao” and other similar abbrevations (chat-speak ?? might mean nothing.
    There are many users who can understand a normal simple English langugae, but slang and too colloquial style is beyond their knowledge.
    It might happen that you provide a valuable information but it will not be accessible because of the language used.
    Thank you.

    moshu, True..good point. =)After viewing his site, I wasn’t sure about using those chat abbrevations or not, really. =) I just got into the “mode” of expecting them to be known by everyone, and throw them out all the time.

    I’ll try to cut down on their use, but it might be hard hahaha. =) Anyway, thanks again for pointing that out. =)


    Thread Starter da4w1d


    Sory, but i havent network :(, spancerp I am available(jabber)

    I’d love to help ya, but I ain’t going through all that bullshit, just to install ONE MORE messenger on my computer!

    Download this:

    Download that once..and then add me.
    [email protected]

    It’s quick and easy. =)


    Thanks it was a good example.. thank you for sharing..

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