• Resolved paloremthi


    Hello, thanks for your plugin, it looks great , but i’ve a probleme using it…

    I’ve some probleme with required fields…

    1/ Fields still mandatory even; when the group is hidden…so impossible to validate the form.
    2/ I’ve also a problem validation for a input phone field in a group, when group is selected, errors does not show when the field is empty…if i put the field out of the group , and validate the form error is showing again…

    (And just to tell you at the first install i’had to search and replace _wpcf7 by wpcf7

    in the scripts_admin.js to use properly the plugin…)

    Here’s my form code and conditionnal code

    <div class=”contact-form-style-2″>
    <p class=”cf-style2-phone”><span style=”text-transform: none; letter-spacing: 0;” class=’light’>Je désire être contacté par </span></p>
    <p class=”cf-style2-phone”>[radio nature default:1 class:gem-checkbox “email” “tel”]</p>
    <p class=”cf-style2-phone” style=”clear:both”>[radio civilite default:1 class:gem-checkbox “M” “Mme”]</p>
    <p class=”cf-style2-text” >[text* entreprise placeholder “Société*”]</p> [group choixTel]<p class=”cf-style2-phone”>[tel ribibi placeholder “Téléphone*”]</p>[/group]
    <p class=”cf-style2-phone” style=”clear:both”>[text* nom placeholder “Nom*”]</p>
    <p class=”cf-style2-phone”>[text* prenom placeholder “Prénom*”]</p>
    <p class=”cf-style2-text”>[number* cp placeholder min:10000 max:99999 “Code postal*”]</p>
    [group choixEmail]<p class=”cf-style2-email” style=”width:59%”>[email* email placeholder “Email*”]</p>[/group]

    <p style=”clear:both”><h5><span style=”text-transform: none; letter-spacing: 0;” class=’light’>Acceptez-vous de recevoir nos offres et newsletter par email ? </span></h5></p>

    <p class=”cf-style2-radio”>[checkbox newsletter class:gem-checkbox “Oui”]</p>
    <p class=”cf-style2-textarea”>[textarea* message placeholder “Votre message*”]</p>
    <p style=”padding-top:25px”>[submit “Envoyer ma demande” class:gem-button-icon-position-left]</p>

    if [newsletter] equals “Oui” then show [choixEmail]
    if [nature] equals “tel” then show [choixTel]
    if [nature] equals “email” then show [choixEmail]



    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by paloremthi.
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