validation register user
On my site new members are sponsored by existing members. During the registration form to a sponsor’s email field. I wanted to know:
If there is a possibility of email verification?
If the sponsor could receive a copy of the registration email?
The ideal that it is he who validates it
Hi @melchi2
Thank you for contacting our support, and I apologize for the delay.
>>> If there is a possibility of email verification?
*** Did you mean you want the sponsor to verify the email that he added during the Registration?*** How do you add new members with an existing member?
Also, please don’t use the code syntax highlighter for the topic description as it is very difficult to read.
I apologize for the difficulty in reading. On my site when registering users must indicate the name and email of the person who sponsored them on the site.
I wanted to know if it is possible that the person who sponsored him on the site, receives the registration email for the validation account.
The goal is to allow the new member to be validated by their sponsor.
Hi @melchi2
I would create a custom UM notification template. And then use this action hook
to trigger the custom email.What’s the field key for the sponsor email field?
Thank you very much, I think that my request will be of interest to many people. My meta key is email_parrain
Hi @melchi2
You can try the following code snippet:
/** * Set custom email notification template and setting */ function um_custom_validate_account( $notifications ){ $notifications['um_custom_validate_account'] = array( 'key' => 'um_custom_validate_account', 'title' => __( 'Send Email for Sponsors Validation','ultimate-member' ), 'subject' => '{site_name} - Someone you have sponsored on the site needs to attention', 'body' => 'Hi,<br /><br />'. ' You have sponsored "{profile_name}" on the site.<br /><br />'. 'To view profile, please click the following link: {user_profile_url}', 'description' => __('Whether to send the sponsor an email when someone registered has sponsored with.','ultimate-member'), 'recipient' => 'admin', 'default_active' => true ); return $notifications; } add_filter( 'um_email_notifications', 'um_custom_validate_account', 10, 1 ); /** * Send email notification to the sponsor */ function um_notify_sponsors( $user_id ){ um_fetch_user( $user_id ); $sponsor_recipient = um_user("email_parrain); $profile_name = um_user("display_name"); $profile_url = um_user_profile_url( $user_id ); UM()->mail()->send( $sponsor_recipient, 'um_custom_validate_account', array( 'plain_text' => 1, 'tags' => array( '{profile_name}', '{profile_url}', ), 'tags_replace' => array( $profile_name, $profile_url, ) ) ); } add_action("um_user_register","um_notify_sponsors",10, 1);
Make sure that you’ve turned on this custom email notification in WP Admin > Ultimate Member > Settings > Emails.
Just add this sample email body:
Hi,<br /><br />'. You have sponsored "{profile_name}" on the site.<br /><br />'. To view the profile, please click the following link: {user_profile_url}
Email subject:
{site_name} - Someone you have sponsored has joined our site'
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
Ultimate Member Support.
Hello I tried to put this code but I get stuck with this error message line 0 :
Directive ‘allow_url_include’ is deprecated
I don’t know why, I’m using Cpanel with PHP 7.4
If you have any advice, I’ll take it, thank you in advance for your helpBonjour,
Malgré de multiples essaie le parrain ne re?oit pas les mails
/** * Set custom email notification template and setting */ function um_custom_validate_account( $notifications ){ $notifications['um_custom_validate_account'] = array( 'key' => 'um_custom_validate_account', 'title' => __( 'Send Email for Sponsors Validation','ultimate-member' ), 'subject' => '{site_name} - Someone you have sponsored on the site needs to attention', 'body' => 'Hi,<br /><br />'. ' You have sponsored "{profile_name}" on the site.<br /><br />'. 'To view profile, please click the following link: {user_profile_url}', 'description' => __('Whether to send the sponsor an email when someone registered has sponsored with.','ultimate-member'), 'recipient' => 'admin', 'default_active' => true ); return $notifications; } add_filter( 'um_email_notifications', 'um_custom_validate_account', 10, 1 ); /** * Send email notification to the sponsor */ function um_notify_sponsors( $user_id ){ um_fetch_user( $user_id ); $sponsor_recipient = um_user("email_parrain"); $profile_name = um_user("display_name"); $profile_url = um_user_profile_url( $user_id ); UM()->mail()->send( $sponsor_recipient, 'um_custom_validate_account', array( 'plain_text' => 1, 'tags' => array( '{profile_name}', '{profile_url}', ), 'tags_replace' => array( $profile_name, $profile_url, ) ) ); } add_action("um_user_register","um_notify_sponsors",10, 1);
Hello, I tried everything but the sponsor does not receive an email, I even looked at and integrated the example of Champ, https:
/** * Set custom email notification template and setting */ function um_custom_validate_account( $notifications ){ $notifications['um_custom_validate_account'] = array( 'key' => 'um_custom_validate_account', 'title' => __( 'Send Email for Sponsors Validation','ultimate-member' ), 'subject' => '{site_name} - Someone you have sponsored on the site needs to attention', 'body' => 'Hi,<br /><br />'. ' You have sponsored "{profile_name}" on the site.<br /><br />'. 'To view profile, please click the following link: {user_profile_url}', 'description' => __('Whether to send the sponsor an email when someone registered has sponsored with.','ultimate-member'), 'recipient' => 'admin', 'default_active' => true ); return $notifications; } add_filter( 'um_email_notifications', 'um_custom_validate_account', 10, 2 ); /** * Send email notification to the sponsor */ function um_notify_sponsors( $user_id ){ $user_id = $user->ID; um_fetch_user( $user_id ); $sponsor_recipient = um_user( 'email_parrain' ); $profile_name = um_user( 'user_login '); $profile_url = um_user_profile_url( $user_id ); UM()->mail()->send( $sponsor_recipient,'um_custom_validate_account', array( 'plain_text' => 0, 'tags' => array( '{profile_name}', '{profile_url}', ), 'tags_replace' => array( $profile_name, $profile_url, ) ) ); } add_action("um_user_register","um_notify_sponsors",10, 2);
With this script I have the notification but it empties the profile once the validation is done
/** * Set custom email notification template and setting */ function um_custom_validate_account( $notifications ){ $notifications['um_custom_validate_account'] = array( 'key' => 'um_custom_validate_account', 'title' => __( 'Send Email for Sponsors Validation','ultimate-member' ), 'subject' => '{site_name} - Someone you have sponsored on the site needs to attention', 'body' => 'Hi,<br /><br />'. ' You have sponsored "{profile_name}" on the site.<br /><br />'. '', 'description' => __('Whether to send the sponsor an email when someone registered has sponsored with.','ultimate-member'), 'recipient' => 'admin', 'default_active' => true ); return $notifications; } add_filter( 'um_email_notifications', 'um_custom_validate_account', 10, 1 ); /** * Send email notification to the sponsor */ function um_notify_sponsors($data) { $sponsor_recipient = $data['email_parrain']; $profile_name =$data['user_login']; $profile_url = ""; UM()->mail()->send( $sponsor_recipient, 'um_custom_validate_account', array( 'plain_text' =>0 , 'tags' => array( '{profile_name}', '{profile_url}', ), 'tags_replace' => array( $profile_name, $profile_url, ) ) ); } add_action("um_before_save_filter_submitted","um_notify_sponsors",10, 1); ?>
You are posting questions about the same code snippet in this thread:
@melchi2 Please do not create multiple topics for the same thing. I closed the newer topic.
Hello, I wanted to apologize for the multiple post, I will see to hire a competent developer because the last one unfortunately deceived me. Thank you all for your time.
<font _mstmutation=”1″ _msthash=”991094″>
- Set custom email notification template and setting
function um_custom_validate_account( $notifications ){ $notifications[‘um_custom_validate_account’] = array(
‘key’ => ‘um_custom_validate_account’,
‘title’ => ( ‘Send Email for Sponsors Validation’,’ultimate-member’ ), ‘subject’ => ‘{site_name} – Someone you have sponsored on the site needs to attention’, ‘body’ => ‘Hi,
‘. ‘ You have sponsored “{profile_name}” on the site.
‘. ‘To view profile, please click the following link: {user_profile_url}’, ‘description’ => (‘Whether to send the sponsor an email when someone registered has sponsored with.’,’ultimate-member’),
‘recipient’ => ‘admin’,
‘default_active’ => true
); return $notifications;
add_filter( ‘um_email_notifications’, ‘um_custom_validate_account’, 10, 1 );
- I post it here, you never know it can be useful, with this code the profile and the sending of notification is done, the only problem is the link to the profile which does not work<font _mstmutation=”1″ _msthash=”1325532″>
- Envoyer une notification par e-mail au sponsor
function um_notify_sponsors( $user_id ){ um_fetch_user( $user_id );
$sponsor_recipient = um_user(??email_parrain??);
$profile_name = um_user(??display_name??);
$profile_url = um_user_profile_url( $user_id ); UM()->mail()->send( $sponsor_destinataire, ‘um_custom_validate_account’, array(‘plain_text’ => 1,’tags’ => array(‘{profile_name}’,'{profile_url}’,),’tags_replace’ => array(
) );
add_action(??um_after_save_registration_details??,”um_notify_sponsors??,10, 2);
<font _mstmutation=”1″ _msthash=”881764″></font>
Here is the final script that works
* Set custom email notification template and setting
function um_custom_validate_account( $notifications ){
$notifications[‘um_custom_validate_account’] = array(
‘key’ => ‘um_custom_validate_account’,
‘title’ => __( ‘Send Email for Sponsors Validation’,’ultimate-member’ ),
‘subject’ => ‘{site_name} – Someone you have sponsored on the site needs to attention’,
‘body’ => ‘Hi,<br /><br />’.
‘You have sponsored “{profile_name}” on the site.<br /><br />’.
‘To view profile, please click the following link: {profile_link}’,
‘description’ => __(‘Whether to send the sponsor an email when someone registered has sponsored with.’,’ultimate-member’),
‘recipient’ => ‘admin’,
‘default_active’ => true
return $notifications;
add_filter( ‘um_email_notifications’, ‘um_custom_validate_account’, 10, 1 );
* Send email notification to the sponsor
function um_notify_sponsors( $user_id ){
um_fetch_user( $user_id );
$sponsor_recipient = um_user(“email_parrain”);
$profile_name = um_user(“display_name”);
$profile_link = ‘<a href=”‘ . um_user_profile_url( $user_id ) . ‘”>’ . um_user_profile_url( $user_id ) . ‘</a>’;
UM()->mail()->send( $sponsor_recipient, ‘um_custom_validate_account’, array(
‘plain_text’ => 1,
‘tags’ => array(
‘tags_replace’ => array(
) );
add_action(“um_after_save_registration_details”,”um_notify_sponsors”,10, 2);
Hello, I am sending you the script that allows the sponsor to receive an email when registering the godchild, to visit his file and to check the sponsor’s email during registration.<font _mstmutation=”1″ _msthash=”1047670″></font>
add_action( 'um_custom_field_validation_email_parrain', 'um_custom_validate_email_parrain', 999, 3 ); function um_custom_validate_email_parrain( $key, $array, $args ) { if ( $key == 'email_parrain' && isset( $args['email_parrain'] ) ) { if ( isset( UM()->form()->errors['email_parrain'] ) ) { unset( UM()->form()->errors['email_parrain'] ); } if ( ! is_email( $args['email_parrain'] ) ) { UM()->form()->add_error( 'email_parrain', __( 'L’adresse e-mail du parrain que vous avez saisie n’est pas valide', 'membre-ultime' ) ); } elseif ( ! email_exists( $args['email_parrain'] ) ) { UM()->form()->add_error( 'email_parrain', __( 'L’adresse e-mail du parrain que vous avez saisie n\'existe pas dans les comptes des membres.', 'membre-ultime' ) ); } } } /** * Set custom email notification template and setting */ function um_custom_validate_account( $notifications ){ $notifications['um_custom_validate_account'] = array( 'key' => 'um_custom_validate_account', 'title' => __( 'Send Email for Sponsors Validation','ultimate-member' ), 'subject' => '{site_name} - Someone you have sponsored on the site needs to attention', 'body' => 'Hi,<br /><br />'. 'You have sponsored "{profile_name}" on the site.<br /><br />'. 'To view profile, please click the following link: {profile_link}', 'description' => __('Whether to send the sponsor an email when someone registered has sponsored with.','ultimate-member'), 'recipient' => 'admin', 'default_active' => true ); return $notifications; } add_filter( 'um_email_notifications', 'um_custom_validate_account', 10, 1 ); /** * Send email notification to the sponsor */ function um_notify_sponsors( $user_id ){ um_fetch_user( $user_id ); $sponsor_email = um_user("email_parrain"); if (!filter_var($sponsor_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { // Afficher un message d'erreur UM()->notifications()->add( 'SponsorInvalidEmail', 'L\'adresse e-mail du parrain n\'est pas valide.' ); return; } if ( ! email_exists( $sponsor_email ) ) { // Afficher un message d'erreur UM()->notifications()->add( 'SponsorNotExist', 'L\'adresse e-mail du parrain n\'existe pas dans les comptes des membres.' ); return; } // code pour envoyer la notification $sponsor_recipient = $sponsor_email; $profile_name = um_user("display_name"); $profile_link = '<a href="' . um_user_profile_url( $user_id ) . '">' . um_user_profile_url( $user_id ) . '</a>'; UM()->mail()->send( $sponsor_recipient, 'um_custom_validate_account', array( 'plain_text' => 1, 'tags' => array( '{profile_name}', '{profile_link}', ), 'tags_replace' => array( $profile_name, $profile_link, ) ) ); } add_action("um_after_save_registration_details","um_notify_sponsors",10, 2);
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
- The topic ‘validation register user’ is closed to new replies.