• Hi
    in my wordpress blog after modding my site for my needs i tried to check validation https://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fdhost.info%2Fbinodc%2Fmain%2F
    but show error like this
    “Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because on line 51 it contained one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as utf-8 (in other words, the bytes found are not valid values in the specified Character Encoding). Please check both the content of the file and the character encoding indication.”

    Please help me to rectify this error.

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  • Your site is very slooow… ??
    Anyway, temporarily try to take out/delete the Arabic translation of the holiday in your last post – and try to validate. If it works, make sure when you put back the translation it’s using utf-8 encoded characters.

    Thread Starter binodc


    I removed the arabic word still it is not validating!!

    is there any problem if we don’t validate the page???

    You’re not going to believe this..

    The problem is the copyright symbol in the comment about the AdSense-Deluxe plugin. Either remove the symbol, or replace it with the entity:

    © (if that gets mangled, it’s & copy; without the space)

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