Hello @hiteshmandali
The behavior you are referring is correct. The plugin checkks the validation rules in the following cases:
* The field lose the focus. If a required field loses the focus without entering a value or tick a choice, the validation rule will be displayed.
* The next page button is pressed in a multi-pages form. In a multi-pages form you cannot pass to the next page, if the values assigned to the fields in the current page are invalid, or the required fields are empty.
* In the form’s submission. Pressing the submit button, the validation rules of every field are checked.
In your video you are pressing the “Next Page” button without ticking a choice in the required field, so, you are in the second case. For the other fields is happening the first case, the fields are losing the focus without ticking a choice.
By the way, in your form, it is possible to untick the radio button fields, but if you don’t want this behavior, you should untick the checkbox: “Allow Untick Choices” in the settings of radio button fields.
Best regards.