• Hello,

    I got all my plugins installed and the template is set up. All that’s left for me is validation. I have never done that before and I really don’t want to break my site.

    I was hoping one of you guru’s might be able to help me out. Can someone walk me through the process of what it is I need to do to fix the errors that have came up while modifying my theme?

    Is there any software recommended to help me with the process?

    Is anyone here interested in working with me to fix all the errors for some type of compensation? haha.

    the site should be Xhtml 1.0 Strict. if that helps at all.

    thanks for your time.

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  • okay – this is definitely a confusing one.
    can you put the header.php over at pastebin as well?

    basically what the error is saying is that you’re missing the tag closing of a link… so you have something like this:

    <a href="https://thelink.com">the text

    without the ending </a>

    try looking for that around that link in your header file??

    Thread Starter stealthfiction


    i did, couldn’t find it. here’s the link to pastebin (great site by the way, thank you)



    I did find this:
    The act of moving, proceeding, or acting in a covert way.

    where your class="descblue" is misplaced… should be within the P-tag before it… however this still isn’t telling us anything about the erroneous A-tag.

    i’m wondering if it’s inside your index.php or another file instead of the header?

    (glad you like pastebin – i love it!)

    Thread Starter stealthfiction


    i’ve narrowed this one down to somewhere in this bit <p class="bigblue">Welcome to <?php bloginfo('title'); ?>
    <p class="descblue">Stealth:
    The act of moving, proceeding, or acting in a covert way.
    <p class="descblue">Fiction:
    A literary work whose content is produced by the imagination and is not
    necessarily based on fact.
    <a href="<?php
    echo($full_about_page); ?> "title="Read more...">Click here to view the
    full about page and contact information
    site is powered by
    WordPress and the
    <a title="The Scary Little Theme by
    Nik Iliadis">Scary Little theme.

    (i cut out this section and it set to the next step so what ever hanging it up is here. but i can’t see anything wrong, perhaps if i formatted it differnt.)

    Is it an end tag missing?

    – <a href=”https://scarylittlemonkey.com/&#8221; title=”The Scary Little Theme by
    Nik Iliadis”/>Scary Little theme.

    Note the />

    I thought that too, liverpoollad – however that’s just where he broke the post off – it really reads:

    <a href="https://scarylittlemonkey.com/" title="The Scary Little Theme by Nik Iliadis">Scary Little</a> theme.

    if you look at the pastebin example.

    +++ I’m thinking, just by looking at it in pastebin (and in my text editor), that there are a lot of carriage returns in the header that don’t quite make sense. I can’t imagine they’d be causing a problem, but maybe if you fixed those?

    Thread Starter stealthfiction


    thank you! great job. one stupid little ‘/’ I just couldnt see it. I ended up going back to the original source code and kept replacing lines. found the line but still didn’t know why his worked and the one i edited it didn’t..

    But wow, That opened a whole can of worms too.

    here’s the style php.

    it looks like my Falbulm plugin is doing something wrong.

    here’s the falbulm style sheet.

    going to be a long day lol.

    LOL well for starters, you’re trying to code for “strict” when maybe you should be trying to validate in “transitional”…

    what’s at the bottom of the list for the falbum stylesheet are just “warnings” – not actual errors… basically telling you that it’s not a big deal now, but in the future it might be, depending on the way CSS goes.

    “Line: 237 Context : a.annotation span
    Property opacity doesn’t exist : 0.2″

    opacity only works in IE I believe…

    “Line: 251 Context : .falbum-cloud
    Invalid number : line-height auto is not a line-height value : auto “

    I think you can just delete that line-height line… sometimes authors put them in there in case the user wants to change them…

    Other than that – keep playing with it… I actually have to get out of these forums and get some work done today – but I can check back later, and hopefully someone else can jump in here and help you out while I’m gone… ??

    Thread Starter stealthfiction


    thanks, you’ve been awsome.

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