• djrockwell


    I just finished using the W3.org Validator and all of my errors are caused from embedded YouTube code. Since I just copy the “embed” code right from YouTube and post it in my blog, is there anything I can do? Do I have to manually modify the code or just live with the XHTML errors it causes?

    Here are some of the validation errors:

    Line 51 column 14: there is no attribute “src”.

    Line 51 column 58: there is no attribute “type”.

    Line 51 column 96: there is no attribute “wmode”.

    Line 51 column 116: there is no attribute “width”.

    Line 51 column 129: there is no attribute “height”.

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  • jetshack


    link to site?

    Thread Starter djrockwell


    Here it is: theidiotnation dot c

    I can’t believe others aren’t having this problem?



    Yeah, others have this problem. Most of them don’t care, though.

    I always forget which one is invalid – the <embed> or <object> tag. In all honesty – one is valid, the other is not. One was used, bascially, because way back when, Netscape 4 didn’t recognize one of the tags, but everyone else recognized the other. So both have been used for a long time, until W3C deprecated the one tag when using XHTML, and renders your site invalid when using it.

    In the end, there are several solutions (I know of a javscript and there’s a plugin, I’ve heard, that handles this issue), but the easiest I’ve come across is to just not use the deprecated tag. You can use *just* the other one, and it’ll still run fine.

    EDIT: it’s the <embed> tag that’s not valid. Just don’t use it.

    Les Bessant


    For easy insertion of YouTube and other videos with valid code, try Viper’s Video Quicktags.

    Thread Starter djrockwell


    Thanks for the replies…I’ll check out the Viper plug-in.

    I see the same problem with revver code. I attempted to put java script in between code tags. but word press tries to put a p tag inside the code tag?

    Here’s example link
    post with javascript from revver

    https://www.4tm.com.ar/4tmsite/wordpress/?p=5 – this How-To explains how to convert the invalid code into a valid one by removing the embed tag, and properly use the object one. Of course, the other solution is Viper’s Video Quicktags ?? … The object + param solution works for any online flash content: YouTube, Google Video, Metcafe, etc. or a simple FileFactory broken flash player.

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