• Resolved abusa5


    Thank you for the great effort.

    There is a issue when selecting Apple Pay or Google Pay on the checkout page as a payment method. The issue is that the payment window pops up from the bottom without verifying the fields on the checkout page, such as:
    – Name
    – Email
    – agreeing to terms and conditions?


    I need a way to prevent the window from popping up until the required fields are completed, in the same way it is verified when selecting payment by card.

    Best regards


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  • Hi @mrclayton,

    That’s because the WC Checkout Block is react based and the WooCommerce code is much more opinionated and there are limitations to what can be customized. The checkout block doesn’t support the ability to have the same payment method as an express checkout option and in the payment method section. If that’s a requirement, I would recommend using the checkout shortcode

    That’s interesting. I just find it nice to have it as an option to pay as well even though I don’t want to use the express checkout. But that may be preference. Can Google Pay/Apple Pay be available if the Express Checkouts are disabled?

    If you have some documentation that highlights that as an issue we’re always interested in improving compliance.

    In many parts of the EU the proven visibility of the “general terms and conditions” and the customer agreeing to them is necessary otherwise they are not applicable to the purchase at all. There are some court rulings that state that it is enough to just “show” the block with the “terms and conditions” next to the final “Complete your purchase” Button but that is something only big companies dare to do because proving that the customer has agreed is way easier if the customer has to click a checkbox.
    Here is an article of an it-law company concerning that exact topic. its in German but I think google translate should transport the main message quite well.

    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Can Google Pay/Apple Pay be available if the Express Checkouts are disabled?

    Not currently because WooCommerce is actively developing on the blocks and so we want to be confident in the direction they’re taking. But I have made a note about this feedback.

    What you’re requesting is available via the checkout shortcode so that is an option for you.

    @mrclayton, Okay I understand that I have to use the classic checkout then if I want to have google Pay as a normal payment option.

    In many parts of the EU the proven visibility of the “general terms and conditions” and the customer agreeing to them is necessary otherwise they are not applicable to the purchase at all. There are some court rulings that state that it is enough to just “show” the block with the “terms and conditions” next to the final “Complete your purchase” Button but that is something only big companies dare to do because proving that the customer has agreed is way easier if the customer has to click a checkbox.
    Here?is an article of an it-law company concerning that exact topic. its in German but I think google translate should transport the main message quite well.

    What about the compliance issue on the express checkout button in both checkout versions?

    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    What about the compliance issue on the express checkout button in both checkout versions?

    If the existing express checkout functionality doesn’t align with how you want your checkout experience to be then I recommend you just offer Apple Pay and GPay as regular payment methods on your checkout page. Having to validate additional fields for which express payment methods can’t provide values for defeats the purpose of express checkout.

    You could use the filter that WooCommerce provides to add a custom checkbox field and then that will include validation. But again, that pretty much defeats the purpose of express checkout.

    Kind Regards

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