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  • Anonymous User 10765487



    What I think is that Twitter’s bot has fetched your website but everything is in cache.

    Will be fixed in 5.1.8 with src parameter for twitter meta image.

    Thread Starter Rugged Fellows Guide


    Wow, that was a fast reply. Thank you.

    So I don’t have to do anything on my end then except wait for the new version of the plugin? Sounds good.


    Edit your post to make sure that the card type is set to “Summary below Large Image.” One of these newer versions seem to have killed the default card option and sets new posts to the “summary” card type.

    I’ve looked at your site through the Twitter Validator and everything looks good; your large summary image is even showing correctly. So, please check that post to see what card type is set for it.

    Before finding your topic, I created my own here:

    Anonymous User 10765487


    Hi @kmcminn this has nothing to do with your issue simply because markup is there in this case.

    Please do not flood every topic, I don’t expect anything from this place, I do it to help people. The way you’re asking things does not invite me to help you.

    Nevertheless I can admit plugin is not perfect, it’s far far from being perfect. I can understand you’re sick and tired of these too much updates. I’m just trying to improve things to not let people down.

    But I’ve work to do, I’m updating this plugin on my free time.

    Hey, jmlapam.

    I understand his markup is there. And, actually, this topic does have everything to do with my issue. It’s the same exact issue I’m having, which now seems to be that you’ve just removed the default Twitter Card option for some reason or another.

    I also understand that you’re working on this in your spare time, and we all appreciate that very much.

    Anonymous User 10765487


    No, just consider this :

    – set card type in general option page
    – do not activate metabox

    The plugin grabs datas from option page if meta box is not set or not touched. There are a lot of fallback.

    I’m sure this has nothing to do with it, card is set to summaryèlarge_image but Twitter’s bot has already fetched the page, so it’s in cache.

    The solution : 5.1.8 >> add src parameter to meta image

    I’m willing to bet that 310ToOvertime will find the “summary” card type is set for his post. ??

    Anonymous User 10765487


    Ok this is the last time I’ll answer to you on this thread. Check the source code of his page and you’ll see the markup is set to summary_large_image so nothing to do with what you’re saying.

    Thread Starter Rugged Fellows Guide


    @kmcminn: jmlapam is right, both my post page and default card type are set to summary_large_image. However, it doesn’t show up as that card on twitter.

    Anonymous User 10765487


    Hi I’ve been checking website again and it appears you’re using twitter cards option from WP SEO plugin in the same time or another code that add twitter cards markup.

    This is added twice so I assume that Twitter takes the second markup as the final markup so please deactivate any other code that may cause conflict.

    Thread Starter Rugged Fellows Guide


    It wasn’t the SEO by Yoast plugin because I unchecked the twitter cards option for that plugin, but I did find a “Twitter Cards” plugin that I don’t remember installing or seeing before! I deleted it. Now do I have to wait a little while for the tweets to correct themselves?

    Anonymous User 10765487


    Ah ok but the issue was due to this plugin. I do not think you have to wait too much to get the right card on your tweets. Just tell me.

    Hello, after the last update I think this problem came up again. Before the update I had the full summary large image correctly displayed, now the plugin (and Twitter) shows a smaller image. If I validate the card, the full image is displayed properly. Thanks

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