• Hello,
    I was wondering if anyone could tell me how important it is to have your site completely XHTML valid. I’m using a free theme so I know that the liklihood of having zero errors is slim, but I only have 8 errors? Should I try and fix them (have no idea how) or is it ok to have a few here and there?

    Thanks in advance!


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  • I consider it important. The errors are cascading so fixing one often fixes many. If an error show up and you validate then it is the viewer’s problem most likely.

    BTW, opportunity is mispelled :^) on the site.

    Thread Starter lisakay03


    Thank you so much!! I totally missed that!
    Do you think having 8 errors is bad though? I really have no idea how to fix the errors I have so I don’t know what to do.

    No, it is not bad. BTW, I show 15 errors. But why have them there if they are easy to fix? Several are in your Finally entry around “and it moves” – if you go to edit and highlight the blank space before the quote you will see some unnecessary or unclosed bold or strong.

    The easiest way to fix many errors is to make your document transitional rather than strict. You have a lot more lee-way with transitional. That might have been set by your theme but you should have a choice somewhere.

    Thread Starter lisakay03


    I’ve looked almost everywhere and I can’t seem to find anything about “transitional” or “strict”. I’m not going lie, I would really like to fix these, but I’m serious when I say that I literally have no clue about any of this coding stuff.
    Any additional help would be GREATLY appreciated!!
    Thanks in advance!

    Check your theme’s header.php file and see if it is there.

    Thread Starter lisakay03


    I haven’t found it anywhere. What should I do?

    So you looked in wp-content/themes/yourtheme/header.php?

    Thread Starter lisakay03


    yes, and I’m not sure what I’m even looking for. Will it be an option to turn on or off? I see nothing that describes what I’m looking for.

    Sorry. First don’t worry. You have a great site that is functioning fine. All you are doing is some fine tuning. That shouldn’t stop you from blogging, etc. BTW, there is at least one other spelling error in a post. Use that spell check! As a former type setter spelling errors jump out at me (as long as I have my glasses on) – its a curse!

    What you are looking for is this, Strict//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd. It will most likely be in the second line of code if you open the header.php file. Change strict to transitional.

    BTW some of the errors are just using caps like JAVA SCRIPT instead of java script. And the ampersand which should be written as &+amp+; (but drop the + signs – I am forced to use them here) Most of the time these show up in text widgets where you have pasted something.

    Thread Starter lisakay03


    Ok, thank you so much for your help. I found the strict//en and I changed it to Transitional . I checked my validation and am down to 10 errors and 4 warnings. This is going to take forever! Thanks for checking my spelling! haha, I’ll double check everything from now on, promise! ??

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