• ResolvedPlugin Author axew3


    as on just released 2.2.0 integration plugin version, note that:

    template integration iframe V5 overall_header.html javascript code has been updated to remove a (wrong) commented js instruction, responsible to correctly reload any page when phpBB accessed via direct url.
    Hints into help install page have been corrected to be more clear/precise.

    Check it here:
    V5 iframe code: https://www.axew3.com/w3/2020/01/phpbb-wordpress-template-integration-iframe-v5/

    Cheers to all cool people!

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  • Plugin Author axew3


    2.2.2 plugin version just released to fix page-forum.php bug, where no fancy Url query string option activated/used for the iframe template integration

    == Changelog ==
    = 2.2.2 =
    *Release Date - 20 Feb, 2020*
    * Fix for page-forum.php (iframe): default /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/addons/page-forum.php has been updated to correctly process urls, if default 'w3' query string, and not 'fancy' url setting used. To update the page forum, rebuild it into plugin admin or manually replace with the new one. If you wish to edit manually, or know more about this, follow here easy instructions: https://www.axew3.com/w3/forums/viewtopic.php?p=4446#p4446
    * V5 iframe code: https://www.axew3.com/w3/2020/01/phpbb-wordpress-template-integration-iframe-v5/
    Plugin Author axew3


    page-forum at date of this post has been updated to fix a problem when passed links coming from widgets.
    To update and fix, check the iframe v5 page:

    Manually download the file, and replace it with the new one, into your active template folder (rename into what required for your setting, so page-forums.php, or page-board.php etc )

    Download fixed page-forum.php.

    Or wait 2.2.3 coming version, then will be possible to rebuild the file via plugin admin

    Plugin Author axew3


    !important * Fix: (iframe) page-forum.php security bug


    == Changelog ==
    = 2.2.3 =
    *Release Date - 22 Feb, 2020*
    * Fix: (iframe) page-forum.php security bug
    * !important: Update as soon page-forum rebuilding it on plugin admin, or manually substituting it
    * Fix: (iframe) page-forum.php: default /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/addons/page-forum.php has been updated again (and definitively fixed) to correctly process urls, if url coming from a click into WP widgets. To update to the latest page-forum, rebuild it into plugin admin or manually replace with the new one of this release: https://www.axew3.com/w3/2020/01/phpbb-wordpress-template-integration-iframe-v5/
    * Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined variable: topics_x_ugroup ON class.wp.w3all-phpbb.php on line 2161 
    * Fix: secondary notice error on line 1185 class.wp.w3all-phpbb.php
    * Fix: the 'Transfer phpBB Users into WordPress' option
    * ADD: single phpBB user addition into WordPress option into the 'Transfer phpBB Users into WordPress' page
    * Fix: more important fixes
    * Notice: Update as soon and report bugs!


    Plugin Author axew3


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