v5.15.1 wont publish listings and removes exsisting listings on edit
Long time user of this great plugin!
I was running v5.14.3 and upgraded today to 5.15.1 everything looks and seems to work okay on the front end. All listings are done under the FREE listing level on my website. The problem is when I go to publish a new listing and click the PUBLISH button it acts like it is publishing it but does not. The listing does not show up on the website and on the backend the publish button stays as publish and does not change to UPDATE.
I then flagged a listing to test that, on the backend I removed the FLAG and then clicked the UPDATE button for that listing I flagged. It did its normal thing then the UPDATE button changed to PUBLISHED and the listing disappeared off the frontend of the website. I still see that listing on the backend of the website but it will not let me PUBLISH it now, just like it will not publish a new listing also.
I have reverted back to version 5.14.3 which will now publish the new listing and also re-published the listing I flagged that it unpublished.
I will stick with this plugin version 5.14.3 till I get advised of how to fix this (hopefully you can figure it out so I can stay current).
Thank you!
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