An alternative option to consider…if possible… would be to target ONLY the Publish box. It has the id of “submitdiv”. In doing so, you would force it to display an alternative UI layout in any edit screen. In this case, it would display at the top of the edit screen allowing the other metaboxes to remain static. You would of course set the css and code so it is responsive, where if the screen is under a specific width (for smartphones), then your code is inactive. Tablet screens would need some testing to get those widths down right. Smaller tablets wouldn’t look well with this, but some larger ones in landscape view would look great.
I did a quick mockup of this here: MOCKUP
I personally think this would be a more ideal use of this plugin. Would obviously mean you’d have to inject some admin css, which is easy to do, in order to bump the top sections of the edit screens down a bit to account for this “publish bar” to rest there when scrolled to the top and top prevent it from overlapping anything. It would also mean figuring out how to handle the “edit” aspects of it as well.