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  • Plugin Author Arshid


    Please upload to Google drive and check it.

    Upload what? I didn’t provide any fixes. I’m asking that this be fixed. ??

    Plugin Author Arshid


    Please upload CSV to google drive and check it.

    I cannot do that, because that would violate our privacy policy.

    I did, however, quote a part of one of the lines, directly from the database, and from the CSV above.

    Plugin Author Arshid


    Create a test form from localhost and try it.

    Some additional information. The file is being exported as a CSV in UTF-8 format:

    root@lb17 17:41:41 
     > /data/www # file -i cfdb7-2021-08-11.csv 
    cfdb7-2021-08-11.csv: text/plain; charset=utf-8

    HOWEVER, if you open directly after downloading it, it opens it up in a non UTF-8 format. My coworker was kind enough to provide a workaround for this:

    Instructions are:
    1.	Open new excel file
    2.	From the Data Tab -> Click “From Text/CSV”
    3.	Point to the file downloaded
    4.	On the Next Page -> file origin to 65001-Unicode (UTF-8)
    5.	Click load

    You might need to do some additional digging into this to see if you can force Excel to automatically open in UTF-8 format.

    FYI, my excel version is “Microsoft? Excel? for Microsoft 365 MSO (16.0.14228.20216) 64-bit”

    UPDATE! I have a workaround! Two file edits, and this will allow CSV files to be directly opened within Microsoft Excel without having to use the special instructions above.

    FILE: inc/admin-subpage.php (lines 462-464)

            echo "&emsp;<a href='".esc_html($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])."&csv=true&nonce=".$nonce."' style='float:right; margin:0;' class='button'>";
            _e( 'Export CSV', 'contact-form-cfdb7' );
            echo '</a>';


     * @BearlyDoug (on Edit: Export as Excel CSV file...
    	echo "<a href='".esc_html($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])."&csv=true&excel=true&nonce=".$nonce."' style='float:right; margin: 0 0 0 7px;' class='button'>";
    	_e( 'Export as Excel CSV', 'contact-form-cfdb7' );
    	echo '</a>';

    FILE: inc/export-csv.php (lines 122-123)

                        foreach ($resultTmp as $key => $value):
                            $matches = array();


    			 * @BearlyDoug (on Edit: Export as Excel CSV file...
    			if(isset($_REQUEST['excel']) && $_REQUEST['excel'] == "true") {
    				$newValue = mb_convert_encoding($value, "cp1252", "UTF-8");
    				$value = $newValue;

    There’s probably a more efficient way to handle this… possibly by simply changing the charset to cp1252 (AKA Windows-1252). I’ll test that functionality now, and will report back in a new reply.

    Hope this helps!

    Okay, I’ve tried changing

    header("Content-Encoding: UTF-8"); 
    header("Content-Type: text/csv; charset=UTF-8");

    to cp1252, CP1252, windows-1252 and Windows-1252 with no luck.

    I’ll have to defer to you how best to implement my suggested change in a more efficient manner, @arshidkv12. ??

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