USPS Shipping Price Calculation
The shipping price calculator isn’t returning the correct values for me. Any idea what’s wrong? Let me know if there’s any other info you need, thank you.
The shipping prices calculated and displayed are:
priority mail express international : 164.75
priority mail international: 117.25++
4 items in my basket:
1. dimensions: 13″ x 10″ x 2″ (1.5 lbs)
2. dimensions: 13″ x 10″ x .5″ (.5 lbs)
3. dimensions: 13″ x 10″ x .5″ (.5 lbs)
4. dimensions: 11″ x 7″ x 3″ (.5lbs)
dimensions = L X W X HDestination country: Japan
Origin zip: 90640Shipping Services enabled:
1. First-Class Mail – International Large Envelope
1. Priority Mail Express International
2. Priority Mail International
3. Priority Mail International Large Flat Rate Box
4. Priority Mail International Medium Flat Rate Box (Top Loading)There are no price adjustments on any of the services above.
Fallback rate: 0
Options enabled:
1. Show all available rates
2. Commercial Rates
3. Pack items together, in as few packages as possible.I’ve also created 2 Packages in the Shipping settings:
Large flat rate box, and medium flat rate box according to the dimensions towards the bottom of this page’ve also tried enabling shipping debug, and clearing any table rate cache.
Also tried the USPS API directly, the request i used is below (USERID ommitted).
I received a response of:
Priority Mail International: 79.70
Priority Mail Express International: 56.90These prices are correct, according to the table rates on the USPS website.<IntlRateV2Request USERID=”xxxx”>
<Package ID=”0″>
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