• Hi every body, I’m a newbie with a few notions of Html and much less of Php…
    I have been trying to use Pete’s wp-sentry plugin for pages with jillij theme since this option shows up when editing a page… But when I activate Sentry for a page; what ever the restriction, to a group or one single member, sentry hides the page from any body, registered or not and even the administrator…
    Am I pushing too far my expectation with sentry or is there a proper way to do it which I missed…?
    Thanks for your help.

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  • Hi Haddok,
    WP Sentry does support pages. Unfortunately, many wordpress functions ignore all private posts/pages, and the function that the jillij theme uses to create the drop-down menu of pages (wp_list_pages) is one of them.

    This is a known issue, and I’m looking into ways of making wp_list_pages (and the other internal wp functions) respect and show private posts/pages, but for now about the best option is to use a theme with a sidebar and make use of the page-listing sidebar widget.

    I understand that’s not ideal, but it’s the best we have right now while we try to get WP to play nice with its own features. ??

    Sorry for the trouble.

    Thread Starter haddok


    Hi Pete, glad to speak to you ! You did a great job already and I would like to tell you my admiration (;~>)
    I’ll wait and see and meanwhile change my theme as you suggest…

    Take care and thanks also for the very swift answer to my question.
    Jean Claude

    Hi Pete

    Is a solution to the issue of

    making wp_list_pages (and the other internal wp functions) respect and show private posts/pages

    imminent? Is this an issue that is being addressed at core level – or are you having to deal with this through your plugin?

    Much appreciation for the work you’ve done.

    Wyn James

    As far as I know, this issue is not being addressed in the core.

    I also have not come up with a way to do this that I am happy with, so unfortunately the answer is that there is no fix for this problem at this time.

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