• Hi. I wanted to play around with WP on my home network before going live. To that end, I loaded the software into my server’s root directory in a folder titled “wp”. Per the install instructions, I created a database in mySQL, edit the config script, and then ran the install script. This all worked fine on the host computer where my server is running, meaning I can access the pages using a URL of either https://localhost/wp or However, when I try and access the blog from another machine on my network, using the URL, I get a page loading error and the URL is changed to https://localhost/wp/. Note that I can access any of the other pages on my server from another machine so I don’t believe its a server configuration problem or a firewall issue.

    What might be going on and how can I fix it so I can access the blog from this other machine?


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  • I wish I had an answer to this question too.

    I have a client that needs WordPress installed on a virtual machine, and I get the exact same error(s) when following this installation guide (I’ve tried other, similar guides and the result is always the same).

    VM is Windows Server 2003 SP2, nothing installed on the server except TweakUI, IE 7, Firefox and Silverlight. IIS is NOT installed on the server.

    Don’t use “localhost” in the Options -> General URL fields.

    As you know, every computer in the world thinks that it is “localhost”… Use a DNS resolvable name or IP address instead.

    And by IP address, Handy means the one assigned to the computer by your network (i.e., and not

    I tried that: (a private address available on both MY home network and my client’s network).

    EDIT: My apologies… For some reason, I thought you meant “localhost” in WP-CONFIG.PHP.

    I do have a follow-up question, however: Should I use the external DNS name of the blog in OPTIONS > GENERAL URL as opposed to the local machine name? I have a DNS forward-lookup zone set up locally (so their external domain names resolve to the local servers). So will the local IP suffice?

    You put whatever is resolvable both internally and externally if you’ll be accessing it from both.

    hint: don’t forget local hosts files if you’re struggling to come up with a DNS name that works for both.

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