• I am currently trying to build my first website and I’m using hostgator. My domain name/url is https://www.icehockeyboy.com. I log into the C-Panel on host gator and went on to install WordPress and it says it was sucessfull. I watched an you tube video and he said wait 15mins and then type in your URL and it would be installed. One hr later still nothing! Please help!!! Thank you!

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  • Thank you so much.
    I can’t find the Appearance sub-menu. If I go to a page, I only have the option to edit that page. However, if I’m on my Home page, there isn’t anything up top to allow me to edit that page.
    I still can’t seem to find how to edit the right sidebar. I was just reading more and there seems to be design source files and psd. files but I have no idea where my designer has put those. Unless they’re living on her computer.
    Also, is it okay to download the newest WordPress version?
    Thank you so much.

    I can’t find the Appearance sub-menu.

    What menu items do you have in the back end of WordPress?

    is it okay to download the newest WordPress version?

    What version of WordPress are you currently using?

    I’m using 3.3.2.
    I’m not sure what you mean by back end of WP.
    In the dashboard,left column , I have,

    You do not appear to have full Admin access for the site.

    My designer just emailed me my full access. I used Jetpack to sign in. Is this okay?
    I have notifications under plugins for updates. Is it ok to update?
    Thank you so much for your help.

    [email protected]


    Follow up to my issue from the other day….

    Since I hadn’t done any customization on the theme, I just re-installed WP into the root. Worked fine yesterday. I added some widgets, created some pages, did some testing and called it a day.

    However, this morning when I checked the site, it fell back to my first page. So right now I’ve lost my RSS setup, Privacy page, custom menu, etc..

    Am I outta luck? Should I contact HostGator?

    Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    DaniAlpert – Generally, best practice is to keep your WordPress site and plugins updated. Some updates may be security-related and not updating could leave you open for hacking.

    Do read and follow the “backup” suggestion given on the update page. In a perfect world, updates would never cause problems, sometimes they do.

    Tanstaafl1963: Is it possible that you have two installs going right now? The one in your subdirectory and now, the one at root? Are they on the same database?

    Also, I’d suggest opening a new support thread. A lot of folks (like me) look for posts that haven’t been responded to and would normally overlook ones like this. (My personal opinion of HG led me to reading through this one).

    @danialpert: It might be best if you opened a new topic. This one is getting a little confusing.

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