Using WordPress with existing HTML website
Hello, I would like to use WordPress within my existing website. The website not finished yet, but here is it so far:
I would like to put the blog page here:
I already read but I still don’t understand what am I supposed to do. Can i just use the wp_get_recent_posts to fetch the blog posts and put them on the page or something?
There are two basic ways to do this.
First is per your link above, which requires that you add some php to load wordpress which will reside at /blog/
You need to include at least this:
?>and then a Loop (follow the links there). What you put in your loop is up to you. You can include varying loops on varying html pages at main site.
The other is Giving WordPress it’s own Directory. This just has WP running in a sub and you add a link to ‘blog’ on main site.
You need to decide which is best for you and if you go with the first what Loop you want and where.
It would probably be a whole lot easier to replicate the entire site in WordPress. Any reason you wouldn’t want to do that?
Okay, thanks for the help. I added some code and now the website is like this: the main problem is that the links will all lead to the regular wordpress page, which has a different theme/layout which is really bad. The only quick solution I see is to remove all the links, but that would compromise the functionality a lot.
The other solution is to replicate the site in WordPress, like webbrewers. The reason I didn’t do this in the first place is that don’t really know how to do this. Specifically the part where you make a theme to look exactly like the existing website. How would I go about doing this.
The original site is pretty basic – I’m sure you could find a theme from the thousands available that would look approximate the look. It’s easier to build on one platform than trying to blend 2.
We do this by creating a subdomain for the wordpress site. Whether you can do this depends on your hosting package. If you can’t, I’d get a better hosting package. Then load WP onto the subdomain. Then just link everything up. You can create a custom menu/menu item to make the HTML site the home page of the website and add other linked menu item in the WP navigation to the HTML site. Linking the other way is straightforward. It does have advantages in that we do not have to deal with child themes for special sorts of pages.
Great, you have wordpress installed in a sub.
Now, create a new html file and upload it to same folder as index.html of main site. Call it test123.html:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <!-- xxx begin site head --> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Blog | Global Heritage Academy</title> <link href="styles/style_home.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- xxx Do we need below scripts - test each way --> <script src="scripts/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('.fadein img:gt(0)').hide(); setInterval(function () { $('.fadein :first-child').fadeOut(2000) .next('img') .fadeIn(2000) .end() .appendTo('.fadein'); }, 3000); // 4 seconds }); </script> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> </head> <!-- xxx End site head --> <body> <!-- Begin site header --> <div class="header-outer"> <div class="header"> <div class="logo"><a href="index.html">Global Heritage Academy</a></div> <div class="nav"> <div class="subnav"><a href="blog/">Blog</a></div> <div class="subnav"><a href="contact/">Contact</a></div> <div class="subnav"><a href="services/">Services</a></div> <div class="subnav"><a href="about/">About</a></div> <div class="subnav"><a href="">Home</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- xxx End site header --> <!-- xxx Begin include WP without a theme --> <?php define('WP_USE_THEMES', false); require('/blog/wp-blog-header.php'); ?> <!-- xxx End include WP without a theme --> <!-- xxx Start Loop 3 latest posts--> <?php global $post; $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => 3 ); $myposts = get_posts( $args ); foreach( $myposts as $post ) : setup_postdata($post); ?> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a><br /> <?php endforeach; ?> <!-- xxx End Loop --> <!-- xxx site footer not included --> </body> </html> <!-- xxx Do we need below - test without --> <!-- Hosting24 Analytics Code --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- End Of Analytics Code -->
Review my added comments
<!-- xxx comments here -->
(they can be removed after) and then look at // in your browser.Dear Pioneer Valley Web Design,
I don’t really understand what that code is for.. as far as I can tell that Loop just prints (up to) three blog post title links.It looks like this. (Btw, I thought pages with php code needed to be .php extension? Or not?)
This does’t really help me because I already know how to display blog posts (like this), but the main problem is that if someone clicks the perma-links or any link then it will go to the wordpress themed page which is different from the existing webpage style which is bad.
The idea is that most of the website (Home, About, Contact, etc.) will be static pages, but the blog will be dynamic, using WordPress. So, what I want is a way make a theme to make the WordPress page styles the same as the existing webpage style, or some other way to solve the problem mentioned above. How do you guys usually deal with this problem?
Other notes:
<script src="scripts/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('.fadein img:gt(0)').hide(); setInterval(function () { $('.fadein :first-child').fadeOut(2000) .next('img') .fadeIn(2000) .end() .appendTo('.fadein'); }, 3000); // 4 seconds }); </script>
These code(s) is used for the changing background image in the Home page.
<!-- Hosting24 Analytics Code --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- End Of Analytics Code -->
This code automatically added by my web host. I didn’t put it there.
The blog menu item will be an HTML page at site root based on what I was trying to tell you which is that you can just integrate WP in your site.
Note sure what you did, but you have a sub-folder now /blog/
with an index.php but it has the same basic layout as your main site (with some edits) and you also seem to have wordpress installed at /wordpress/. My code example would then use the include at /wordpress/
Note at test123.html, your site is using the host24 code twice. And the script question was just if you wanted this at the new page to display some loop.
Last, we should have put the loop in a div.
And, after spending time trying helping with your question (I was going off your original post)
I already read but I still don’t understand what am I supposed to do. Can i just use the wp_get_recent_posts to fetch the blog posts and put them on the page or something?
This does’t really help me because I already know how to display blog posts
I am going to move on and help other forum folks for a while.
We don’t take the design books too literally. Blogs can be part of a site and incorporate some branding but on the other hand should be a thing of their own. I find advantages to both and definitely prefer to write html from scratch for some purposes. Any page can be linked into a WP site using the custom Menu features under Appearance–at least for most themes I expect.
Below are two links to 2 examples that are used for teaching, research, and service. Both have a home page that is a html5 fixed static page built with dreamweaver. For the older superpac example, this is the home page. For the new MPOll, we have decided that there need not be a precise home page. Three options fly out for Home under a sub-menu on The older superpac site has numerous pages of information linked to its home page found through nav-bars on each side and across the top–most use a template of the DW homepage. Additionally, there are now about 75 WP-blog sites linked to the home page installed on various sub-domains of:
This site is in process of being remodeled. The whole thing was done in the fall semester of 2012 with students providing most of the content. The navigation contained topics for students to chose from. Some were not chosen–and may still be under construction. (Students were assigned to prepare a web essay on one of the linked topics for the main site and also were assigned their own associated blogs.) At the same time, students were involved in civic engagement projects with the community–and web development and blogs sometimes were not the highest priority. It was also a first time for any of this–no DW, WP, or blogging prior experience. Not a techie. 2014 class links on the nav were just added but they don’t link anywhere yet because the pages have not been written but we have just about set up 19 WP sites for the spring class. The superpac essentially is a student class-oriented project site targeting young adults primarily. The html or DW pages are much the same. The blogs share the logo and primary color scheme but do not even have the same precise header for branding without much ado otherwise.
We are in the process of extensively remodeling the superpac site and also creating another system like this that is geared towards a wider audience and professional contributions:
There is a link near the top on the left sidebar of mpoll to INSIGHTS. That should take you to the blog. The blog has a link back to the HTML home page but Home on this site is a fly-out with three Homes to chose from as I see it as a more distributed concept than usual.
You can make child pages and do all of that but there are ways to make this simpler. I could take a screen shot of INSIGHTS–I would tend to do this at 300 dpi–not to get better resolution from the screen than what it is but to have enough resolution to work with without degradation. For instance. I could take an image of my left sidebar on the Insights blog and float it left on my front page and put hyperlinks over the words which would actually make for a more streamlined, maybe more responsive, site.
Not all the links work yet and we are still muddling through exactly what we want at this point. I do not see a need to have a blog look exactly like its “parent” site. You can brand them easily with logos and whatever other detail you feel is really necessary so that people will recognize the connection. If your blog front page looks like a blog–people will make that connection and look for the usual navigation. I don’t see a need to make the two precisely the same.
The point is the answer to your question depends on you and what you want to put into it. Our focus is on the content. I am no expert in any of this. My advice would be RELAX and not to get too hung up over ideas that pages must all look alike, consider webbrewers advice and consider the tradeoffs.
best regards–(gotta do some real work now)
Ok guys… I figured it out. I just needed to replace the index.php inside the WordPress folder with the index.php I had made.
That way all pages made by wordpress will use the theme of the existing website.
Ok guys… I figured it out. I just needed to replace the index.php inside the WordPress folder with the index.php I had made.
That way all pages made by wordpress will use the theme of the existing website.
Can you please demonstrate that? I do not see anything related to that at your site at this time.
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